I was told we are not Omnivore ? WHAT?

in #health7 years ago

We are Omnivore ?
We can do this without arguing right?
We can all learn from each other's diets and tips.

Diets can be tricky because of marketing !
Some cultures have to eat specific ways just to survive.
Do they have a diet ? Or what is available to survive.
Not to mention the elements.

Don't judge me for my questions ;)

How can a vegetarian reach his / her needs with the absence of cellulase enzymes?

Sugar Fiber diet?

" With the absence of Cellulase Enzymes for Cellulose sugar which is the main structure of plants, It's not possible for humans Gastrointestinal system to digest them. -> In results the main part of plants, which are considered the main part of vegetarian animal's food resources, are not usable for humans and can only be used as fiber of the meal and volume of feces. What's your opinion?"

Cows and rabbits can live on grass and leaves because they have symbiotic bacteria which provide cellulase enzymes.

So what if we eat the "cows and the rabbits" that can digest these foods?
We benefit right?
The soil
The plant
The animal
The human :)

The American Plains Indians lived mostly off the water buffalo. (Meat)
That naturally grazed, ate leaves and grasses.
They benefitted from the plants the animal would eat and the animal itself.
This wild animal provides right?
Animals not injected with crap! Out in the sun naturally grazing untouched by man.
Glucose ?
Protein (amino acids) can be broke down into glucose if needed.
Fats (energy).
Sugar (glycogen in muscle).
Bone broth (minerals).
Also berries were eaten dried and fresh, seeds and some roots.
Mostly high protein and fat with low carbs.

I have been told we are not omnivore.

I beg to differ
As shown by my example
We can eat what is available for survival purposes.
Most likely What is available seasonally.
It is NOT to debate what is healthier.
Please! Any diet can be done right or wrong. I have seen it !
The debate is are we omnivore.

When we do studies we use animals that are omnivore right?
Do we have fermenting vats like nearly all plant eaters have?
We have a ph balance in our stomachs for a reason right?
Vegetarian animals produce the enzyme cellulase we do not.
Other things maybe like Jaws, Salivary glands, teeth and Intestines
Might play a role.

How many cultures would not have survived if they were not omnivore
(Able to eat both)? Or just one or the other .
What if the American plains Indians had to be vegetarian?
Eskimos ? No meat , blubber and organs.
The Eskimos may have appeared to age more quickly than white Europeans for several reasons:

They were exposed to extreme temperature ranges their entire life.
Exposed to excessive smoke from fires in their huts.
What about the reduced amount of sun light during winter months?
The life span of the Eskimos?nutrition?
What about the extreme temperature exposure?
The hunting and fishing practices are high risk endeavors that cause deaths by accident.
Fluctuations in food supply?
The understanding of infections and diseases? Treatments?
What about dental health?
They had no dental cavities within the entire community.
Excellent skeletal health without any signs of osteoporosis.
Cancer of any kind?
Heart disease or cardiovascular disease of any kind?
Intestinal diseases?
Type 2 diabetes?
Why? Because it is caused by eating carbohydrates. Self inflicted .
Obesity ? because obesity is caused by eating excessive amounts of Sugar/carbohydrates.

Did they have white flour?
White sugar?
Man made FOOD ?

They have nature !
Wild animals !
Food that hasn't been sprayed ! Enriched ! Hybridized! Fortified ! Genetically modified! Hydrogenated!
Loaded with sugar ! Fructose !
Etc etc
We are all different.
Different blood types.
Different needs.
Different diets.
Some do it right.
Some do it wrong.

The biggest problem is the make believe food that = make believe health.

IMO We are Omnivore for survival purposes.

Great Article

Also a great point
Think about it, the Hunza (in Pakistan) and other truly isolated "primitive" peoples who are so healthy they rarely even have names for diseases that we're seeking immunizations for. It's because they don't have much in the way of disease, period. They have no shots, no free clinics and no filled-in vaccination charts... until they start eating "civilized man's" foods. When they start into a diet of processed foods, sugar, and white flour.

Andrew W. Saul

Man made crap!
And SUGAR Is killing us!



Omnivore or not ?
Please let's not debate over why we shouldn't eat meat or what is healthier .

Do you think we are Omnivore or not ?

I think my body feels best with a lot of plants & a little high quality meat. I think we are all adaptable but our individual biology varies from individuals & thus there is no universal diet for health. Have to learn to be mindful of the effect of different foods on your individual self and go from there.

What’s interesting to me is the more we learn about plants, the more awareness & intelligence we find in them. Will vegans one day feel bad about eating plants that were living & aware? Plant or animal, I just want them to live a happy natural life before I put them in my body.

Trees can kill some animals and warn other tees !

I wonder if plants can or will do this someday ?

Just a thought

My point is animals , trees and plants also want to reproduce ;)

& eat & breathe & hear & feel !

I have seen some people try to argue that humans are a frugivore specie because chimps, our closest cousin, eat mostly fruits.
Too bad chimps also hunt for small animals and eat meat whenever given oportunity.
They would even present some lenghty tabel comparing arbitrarly chosen animals, their anatomy and their diet.
Pretty funny thing if you know anything about biology.
Too bad many people are scientifically illiterate.

Also, sorry, I'm not going to comment on your ideas presented here.
I just wanted to share that little nugget of hilarity.

Keep asking good questions, don't assume answers you get are correct.

Sugar is the absolute enemy of health. Our bodies are highly adaptable for good reason. We can fill it with crap & keep living, but doesn’t mean we are thriving. Whole natural foods are the best choice. Just because they market sugar everywhere doesn’t mean we need to buy it or eat it, life expectancy has been falling off in this country, mostly due to sugar consumption & healthcare that encourages it.

I don't care what ones diet is.
We all can help each other to make better choices in what products we choose to eat .
There is s lot of junk out there void of nutrients and filled with chemicals .
I'm no way perfect but I am aware .

The thing I try to tell people, when I get on my sugar soapbox, is we have all been assaulted by these sugar companies since we were kids. Every holiday, every birthday, every party, centered around high dose addictive sugar for kids. Our brains have been addicted to the high long before we had any idea what was going on. It’s an incredibly difficult habit to break when there are sugar dealers everywhere our whole lives. Education & sharing information will be key to fight the sugar industry, but will ultimately be up to people to care about their individual health enough to live without constant sugar highs.

I'm addicted to cayenne
Seriously ! And that is not a bad thing for something that feeds your heart!
I grew these in my garden and the sunflowers :)
The others are Dahlia I think

That is real food and medicine and art!

I set the table :)


Very nice

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