T'was My Birthday Yesterday And I Danced My Socks Off, I Did!

in #health4 years ago


Getting ready to party yesterday!

I have always been a big lover of celebrating birthdays, there is nothing better, than bringing together the people you love and celebrating there lives and your friendship with them. We don't do it enough if you ask me.

So many, of our rites of passage go by without being acknowledged, never mind being celebrated. So many important moments in our life where we really could do with some support and insight from others within our communities. Where traditions are meant to be handed down and where guidance is offered to those who need it.

I am passionate about spreading awareness about this rites of passage, but one that we all know is the celebration of the day that we were born. I understand that some people do not like to celebrate it, but it is a wonderful opportunity to look back on the last year of your life and celebrate all that you ave accomplished, all that you have learnt.

There is no better way to promote this, than celebrating yourself.

This year my birthday fell on a time where most of us are being quarantined in our homes. I usually celebrate by inviting some friends over for some food and then we put on some music and dance. I love to dance and knew that I wanted to spend my birthday dancing. So I send a message to all my friends asking them to join in with me dancing at 6pm.


My birthday last year and still dancing this year!

A friend of mine who is a DJ, then send me a message that she would make a new set and send it to me so that I could share it with everyone . Lots of my friends also send me some of there favourite tracks that they would be dancing to, as well. You can find the set that my friend DJ Lady Bird created here.

I do have other people living on the land with me, so I am not in total isolation and did have them dancing with me. But I would have danced with my girls anyhow.

Dancing is such a wonderful way to release stress and produce endorphins, something we could all do more with. My approach to life right now is to focus on what we can do. To find ways in which we can still support one another, to help elevate one another. To remind each other how important it is to focus on the things that really make us happy.

I have so much to be grateful for and one way of expressing that is by dancing my socks off and knowing that my friends are doing exactly that at the same time. I also pooped into the NatMed discord channel and let the community know that I would be dancing at 6p.m and I know that some of those wonderful folk were dancing with me also.

It felt so good, to just let myself get lost in the music, to get lost in the present moment and just have fun. To just let all the the craziness that was happening slip away and send out positive vibes into the world. Lots of my friends, send me videos of them dancing and I felt so blessed to have so many wonderful folk in my life and to know that we all came together in a celebration of life, love and friendship.

I have made a commitment to myself to dance more, to spend a little time each day dancing to music that really inspires me and makes me happy and I encourage you all to do the same. Make time each day to do the things that you love, or to start doing things that you always wanted to do

This is what we need to be doing right now. Finding ways to reach out to one another.

To @riverflows, @alchemage and @porters, who I know were dancing along with me, thank you, I love you guys.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Happy birthday Aishlinn!! Hope this year brings you lots of reasons to dance ya socks off! Xx

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Happy Birthday dear Aishlinn!!
Wishing you love and happiness always

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