Why many people don't value their health until sickness comes.

in #health6 years ago

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We've all seen and heard it before haven't we? Someone who we know who doesn't look after themselves physically with their health suddenly becomes sick or maybe even sadly passes away. Sometimes its despite many warnings to make changes to their diet or maybe to start exercising more regularly. But why do so many leave it so late or not at all to make changes? I believe the issues are multifaceted.


Firstly without a shadow of a doubt the fuel we put into our bodies is paramount to good or bad health. It really does astound me that people still refuse to see the connection to the theory 'we are what we eat' this is meant in the literal sense too because every 7 years our very cells and biological make up are made up with exactly what we put in our mouths. So a body fueled on a highly nutritious plant based diet with lots of variety will be a lot more mobile and fully functioning than a body filled with junk food. People that say disease is just genetic have their heads firmly buried in the sand on this issue.

Look at the rise in cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc over the last 20 years or so, where we have seen our so called 'food' now so toxic which GMO's, MSG's, and chemicals that it wouldn't be fit to give a dog. Interestingly enough they make it super cheap too, so in times where we are living on the bread line and in austerity your local Asda's, Tesco's, or Wallmart are happy to offer you 12 GMO chocolate bars for $1!

I appreciate the difficulty some face especially with families, but can you really put a price on your health? Of course they make this junk food highly addictive with huge levels of salt and sugar etc (sugar being more addictive than cocaine!) But the harsh truth is it really boils down to self love at the end of the day. A person who TRULY loves themselves will look after their bodies and honor these temples that house our consciousness. Our bodies are truly amazing in so many ways, and I for one regret how I used to look after mine. I was by no means perfect, didn't eat well for sure. Why? Because at the time I didn't love myself, but I could see where things were sliding and luckily enough made the changes. Its almost as you start to shift and look after yourself, not just by eating but by working out regularly, you cultivate the very self love that was missing in the first place.


Also in the end it becomes quite selfish because its your closest family members that have to pick up the pieces of severe disease or even death when who knows, you could of had 10-15 years of a more active life or even just to be alive! Don't wait until it gets to that stage, life passes by quickly enough as it it. Love your body, yourself, and enjoy more fantastic years with your loved ones. Below is a video I made about healthy living.

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Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

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Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'

Amazon ekindle version- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079CHJPBZ

or paperback version at




Yep, that's very important...trying to get family members into organic food and growing some of our own...not easy, though (as usual...:( )

No its not easy especially when they feed their kids crap too!

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An excellent post with a large scope. Loved your video and your direct insights into life on Earth. A great reminder for me as well to never stop amping up the health levels ;)

Great insight and perspective!

Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!

Many people will read this and say, "I know, I know", but you're right, sometimes it will take a tragedy for a harsh reality to sink in. I had a very eye-opening experience this past year that changed everything and it's amazing how a near tragedy allowed the best things in the world to finally take their place in my life. Last point, we all do need to care more about ourselves and truly love ourselves. You're right that it does come down to that.

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