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RE: Walking Will Get You High

in #health7 years ago

@reddust please accept my apologies for taking so long to reply to you. I have been extremely busy these last few days and have had minimal time for steemit other than to post my daily contest. I have a lot of comments to catch up on but yours is rightly the first. :)

Personally I don't really know what to make of the meat/ no meat argument. I know that I have been without meat now for over a year and feel no positive or negative effects either way so as such I can choose to eat meat or not, which I choose not to. You may well be right about the plant heme but I still can't believe that humans were designed to eat meat despite the abundance of evidence to the contrary. I ate meat for 36 years, loved it and miss the taste of it every day but something clicked inside me that told me it was wrong and that it was doing me more than physical harm. I don't preech to anyone because I'm in no position to and leave everyone to live their own lives and make their own decisions but I think the reason we eat meat is for the same reason we do most things in life these days and that's because we don't know any better and exist in a world created by others in their image to suit their agenda. I think as humans we are far from our natural intended state and our diet is just one area of our lives where we are allowing harm to be done to ourselves.

I also think that data and scientific research in the main is flexible to whatever outcome or result is desired and although there are undoubtedly many excellent scientists doing excellent research, the fact that there are so many scientists for hire makes it really difficult to know which information to trust.

I am really confused on the matter so for now I'm 'going with my gut!'' :0

I hope you are well my friend! :)


Most of my friends are vegan 😁

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