Everything you need to know before your wisdom tooth surgery

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Oh sweet sweet pain, why oh why won't you leave me alone!

Well, do not be startled. It's not that bad. I think.


On 23rd March I subjected myself to wisdom teeth surgery, both top and bottom tooth ( I still have my right side to be done). In this post I will talk about pretty much everything you need to know before this surgery. So here goes:

a. The doctor will provide with you with local anesthesia in most cases (Unless it's a general anesthesia,which is rare). To give this surgery they'll inject the anesthetic in your gums. I personally was not very happy about a needle being shoved into my gums as I have an extreme level of fear for needles. To calm my shit down they gave me a pill called 'dormicum' an hour before the surgery. It really really helped with my freak out. I felt all happy and chirpy and it is really really difficult to feel anxious on that pill.


b. Needle in mouth sounds horrible but it is actually not that bad. Feels barely like a pinch. It is the taste of the anesthetic which is absolute crap and the feeling that follows. Your mouth goes totally numb and it is just really annoying. It is for the best though, believe me, because what comes next ain't fun.

c. The key pint to remember at this step is that you keep your eyes closed at all times because you know, that makes everyone's work a lot easier. Just close them eyes and indulge in some day dreaming. The top tooth was easier to take out because he just pulled at it super hard and it came out. You just feel a lot of pressure but no pain.

d. Now, the bottom tooth. This one is generally a bitch to take out. I just felt a lot of drilling and pulling, full on construction site I tell ya. You hear a lot of loud noises and a lot of pressure but no pain so do not freak out. That is all for the surgery part, barely takes half an hour. Mine was done in 19 minutes.

e. Most important thing before you get the surgery is to ask your doctor for an x ray to be done to see if there are any nerves running through the wisdom tooth area because any damage to these nerves can cause loss of sensation on the lip and jaw for an unknown amount of time, maybe the sensation never comes back. Also check for the sinus area else nosebleeds can also occur. So be careful people.


f. Right after surgery they will give you a cold press which I am telling you know, please keep treating your jaw area with ice presses for three days straight. On second day your face is going to swell up like shit. It is totally normal and the ice press really really helps both with the pain and swelling.

g. You will need to get painkillers. It is super important that you buy both paracetamol as well as ibuprofen (unless you are allergic to either of it, ask your doctor). It is good to eat the painkillers alternatively as too much of either is super bad for you. By the fourth day you will start to feel better.

h. Do not forget to pre stock on soups, and well all types of liquid and soft foods because you will not want to go grocery shopping after the surgery. Pain and all you know.

There you have it people!!! It is not the worst thing ever.

You can do this!

@things out.

Written by @things, 2018. All rights reserved.


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Thank you for taking a complete tour, step by step before, during and after the operation.

You are welcome <3

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