
To me this study is very much valid as I can tell you that I never came across someone who was suffering simultaneously with high BP as well as Cancer at the same time.

That's anecdotal evidence though which doesn't really mean much unless you work in a blood pressure clinic and see a vast swathe of the population with hypertension - even then it is low level evidence.

Science is dynamic and ever developing field you need to be open minded to accept new findings. I am giving you two real life examples below.

  1. I am 48 years of age now, I received 65% burn injuries when I was only 8 years old. At that time pouring water on burn injury was considered suicidal. Now this is the very first thing one should do.
  2. Approximately about a month and a half back Pennsylvanian University Published a research report as to how dairy cheese product is beneficial in High Blood Pressure. Before this dairy cheese was considered harmful for high blood pressure.

Of course. I'm just saying these things are starting points for research rather than a means to reach a conclusion.

Really thankful for all the time you have taken to comment on this post.

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