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RE: My Struggles with Social Anxiety & Trying to Figure Out What HELPS.

in #health7 years ago

I feel you.
Especially that part when you said you are completely okay with being on stage...
I enjoy speaking publicly, very much so, actually... 10,50,100 people, I don't mind...
It's the one on ones with new people I don't know that get me. What do I ask them? How do I sit? Where do I look? Their nose? Their left or right eye? Hell, I never know! haha :D
And yeah, much like you, I also get frustrated in crowded places - even if I did know everyone - or knew no one. And will, usually, find the darkest corner of the room and just... stay there, observing. :3

And what helps me feel better about this?
Don't know. haha :D I always try and give it my all to relax and just be in the moment... and though I mostly fail miserably, I like to think each time was a little better than the time before, and that I am, in fact, improving. :3
Might not be true, but hell, it makes me sleep better at night. haha :D

It's kind of ironic though, because I absolutely LOVE long talks with people. Especially while walking...
I think I am a social creature after all, but find it hard to find appropriate people to just.. unwind?
It's important to me to not feel like I need to speak, which I do with many people because silences are awkward. When the silences become not awkward, though, my blabbering hardly ever stops. :3


Oh my goodness, YES! I LOVE to talk one on one or maybe even with two people. I can sit and share back and forth and talk for HOURS. I don't know what it is about groups that cause me so much stress.

I suppose it's good that we're not alone in this. Maybe we can learn ways to help ourselves AND each other!

I feel like I'm just now realizing this about myself, because I had just avoided being in the situation for so long (or made other excuses or maybe didn't even LIKE the people in the groups I was in!) I have always found that (ironically enough) talking about it or writing about it usually gives me insight into myself that I don't see otherwise.

Thank you so much for sharing your own experience with this. It's good to know that someone understands. I was a little nervous about putting this out here!

I have always found that (ironically enough) talking about it or writing about it usually gives me insight into myself that I don't see otherwise.

Same.. Often times I also go out for a walk myself (I love taking walks - alone or in company... It's like a form of meditation to me) and wander off into the woods or the field where I'm alone... then just talk to myself. haha :D I find it easier to actually talk to myself than to just think... And so I try and cover as many different aspects of the problem as possible... Only problem is, I too often times forget much of what I talked to myself about... So in that sense, writing stuff down is much better haha :D

:| Now you made me feel bad about not socializing for so long... I need to get out and into a crowd, meet someone new. :|
I'm not ready for this!

Oh man, I didn't mean to make you feel bad! I've avoided being in crowds/meeting new people for SO long now! If not for steemit, I think I would have just stayed in my cozy little bubble. I suppose it is good for us to stretch our boundaries sometimes. Take care of YOU in the process!

Thank you, btw, for this conversation. I feel so much better.

Well I kind of have to go out and meet someone new :p
This... solitude... is slowly killing me. :p No husband to come home to for me. :P

Likewise, @byn :D Very happy I stumbled upon this post of yours ^^

I can understand that as well. I wish you strength and amazing luck in finding new friends that are exactly what you need! :)

Thank you very much! :D
And likewise! All the best in your social endeavors :P