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RE: You Need To Be Effectively Brain Washed... Nope, Not Brainwashed. Essential To Your Health And Well-Being. ⚡️

in #health5 years ago (edited)

I keep talking to people of late about bizarre, synchronicitous and downright weird happenings, on the blockchain, at home and at work... It feels like destiny has chosen to fall in to line and play along with the big plan.

I was about to go check out what @dandays has been up to of late ((I'm fairly certain you are familiar with his works...))

So much of what you write about resonates with me massively, it's probably that dudes of a certain age trying to turn their random musings into optimism for life thing you have going on coupled with the oft humourous slant throughout.

And here you are! Life, huh?

So sorry, digression is a full time profession for me BUT in answer to your question...

I have been described recently as self-medically-trained ((I'd like to see that one stand up as a defence in a court of law)) I have a massive passion for health hacks, finding an edge based on the research of those conducting independent research over many years.

By independent, I mean from Big Pharma funding and control, as I am sure you would be well aware, there has always seemed a massive conflict of interest in such matters.

I have an enormous passion for foods that harm and foods that heal and believe that great nutrition is by far the best preventative medicine we can ever benefit from when used in conjunction with regular exercise ((of which I know you are an enthusiastic proponent))

Thank you so much for the interest and in taking time to comment Dan, sorry about the avalanche of words again, I do not set out with that intent but I am infected with acute and exacerbated verbosity!!! I should really get that dealt with.

Great to see you as ever, kudos on being one of those regular, consistent bloggers/engagers, that is exactly what this platform and community is for. 😎

Edit... I should have pointed out that I am always incredibly scrupulous to seek corroboration from multiple sources and proven longevity/ studies of any and all facts/techniques that I discuss or suggest. I write these posts from 2 angles...

    1. To help others from the knowledge contained within my think bucket.
    1. To share what I discover as I learn.

I genuinely have a vision to assist people with proven techniques, bio hacks and nutritional nuggets to enable an alternative to a fist full of pills.


Dang dude, it’s been quite a while since I read a response that just made me frikkin feel good. Thanks man!

I can’t thank you enough for that resonating thing you said, really. I wish I could help you understand. I’ve never had a social media account of any sort, this is my first experience so what you’re seeing we are all, myself included, seeing for the first time together. So.. what I’m saying is.. See, I don’t even know how to say it!!

“Thank you.” <- but bigger than that. To be encouraged by someone who has never seen my mannerisms, confidence, competence, etc “seen” nothing, means more to me than I can explain because it means he appreciates how I think. (I really need to work on my way of explaining sincerity)

I came here cuz I really dig your article, I saw you responded to me and I was curious to see if you are a doctor, you got me again. What I received was a response equally as cool as the post.

I asked cuz I have some crazy stuff going on in my head. They wanted to remove skull, reshape it, and put it back. Between a kiari malformation (I may be spelling that wrong) and a previous injury when I broke my neck I lack oxygen sometimes to my brain so I seize.

I’ve done a bunch of tests, I’ve listened to several surgeons and doctors. Been in machines, done sleep tests, you name it. Not one time did anyone ever suggest something as basic as turn off Judge Judy at bedtime could potentially give me assistance—F’ing fascinating.

Eh, and about your long winded response... yeah, people that do that have issues.

Thankyou as always Dan, you just make me fee good about the blockchain! I came here to meet cool people and from day 1, simply knew I had found one.

Wow! The course of treatment prescribed always seems like overkill to me, I get that the accepted norms of healthcare always find it so difficult to adapt to the latest evidence of non - pharmaceutical benefits but even so as a species we gotta look out for each-other man!

  • Do you filter your drinking water Dan? DO
  • The tip in this post about sleeping on an incline is awesome for reducing neurotoxins which can only help the brains function with regards to oxygenation.
  • The biggest tip I could possibly offer sounds like the dumbest, but you've heard it before... Learn to breathe properly from the belly/diaphragm through the nose, mouth closed take a little time to do this each day till it becomes the norm ((relaxed and without thinking))
  • frequent, easy/moderate cardio, walking is awesome. I am sure you probably hit the treadmill when you are at the gym. If not DO!
  • Eat, better still, drink chlorophyll every single day. Powdered/juiced or eaten has very little therapeutic/restorative difference but drinking let's you get a much higher amount of chlorophyll in an easy shot.

You may very well be familiar with all of these snippets man, if so, sorry, I don't mean to patronize. Take awesome care of you and yours dude. Stay awesome 😎

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