Robert De Niro says - "EVERYONE MUST SEE VAXXED" on NBC Today Show

in #story8 years ago (edited)

1 in 50 children are Autistic, why? It's an epidemic that can easily be stopped.

Robert De Niro (his son has Autism) on NBC Today Show 13th April 2016

Watch this short clip and hear Robert de Niro state ‘EVERYONE should see this film, look at the evidence for themselves and then decide.’

De Niro co-founded the Tribeca Film Festival in 2003 and VAXXED was scheduled to run at Tribeca 2016 but due to last-minute, outside pressures the film was cancelled. Nonetheless, De Niro still believes that everyone should see the film, and so do I.

VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a 2016 American film exposing a cover up and falsifying of research data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the link between the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine and Autism.

Autism cases was a steady 1 in 10,000 for every infant birth in North America between the 1930's to 1960's. In the 1970's it started dramatically rising to be 1 in 5,000 by 1975. By 2009 it was a jaw-dropping 1 in 110 and today some reports state that 1 child in 50 will have Autism.

Autism Prevalence Graph.jpg

It turns out that the pharmaceutical conglomerate Merck has a patent on combing the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine into one combined super-vaccine known as the MMR vaccine. The lame stream media (and Gov't) is portraying this as an anti-vaccine movement but that's an outright lie aimed to discredit the reasonable and responsible scientists that actually still care for people instead of viewing them as a profit center like Merck does. The doctors and scientists voicing their concerns are pro-single-vaccine - they are anti, 3-in-1 super vaccines - they want single vaccines until more research can be done.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been implicated in a massive cover-up. They are standing behind Merck while turning their backs on the American citizens (and all the citizens of the world) by pretending that autism is not an epidemic and stating that it is not linked to MMR.

The whistleblowers want to see a single vaccine program implemented (one measles injection - one mumps injection and one rubella injection - responsibly spaced out over many months) but that would cost Merck billions of dollars in revenue and profit because they can't patent them as single vaccines.

So where does that that us today?

One in 50 kids will develop autism and that number is growing fast. In North America today we have more than 1 million kids (and their families) living and dealing with the tragic effects of autism every single day - and if that wasn’t bad enough, here's the kicker - Merck cannot be sued because the US taxpayer is liable for ALL damages arising from claims and lawsuits for the MMR vaccine because the CDC approved it and Congress passed laws that protects Big Pharma from knowingly poisoning us all - not to mention the medical bills that must be paid for - this is AN EPIDEMIC - AN OUTRAGE and a CATASTROPHE.

Please watch VAXXED - get the facts for yourself and share this story with everyone you now - we have to put a stop to this, NOW!

I’ll continue to cover this topic (and others) so follow me for updates. If you have any thoughts, facts, points or opinions to add they are always welcomed - and give this post like, if you liked it.

Watch the Full (Uncut) Movie here:

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