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RE: Belgium wants to arrest parents who put their kids on Vegan diets

in #health5 years ago

Wow you're as bad as I am with the long replies LOL.

Yeah the scoby that way seems to be a pretty good one using commercial kombucha I need to make more. I am told that using powdered probiotic cultures works well for scoby production too.

I like fermented pickles sauerkraut and fermented brussel sprouts.

The GMO mess with wheat is the cause of most of the gluten intolerance in the country I actually grind my own wheat from non-GMO sources.

Just not quite dedicated enough on the kefir yet I need to do it but that's not the first one on my agenda!

I bought some Himalayan salt tonight I hope I didn't mess up! I got some good stuff at Kohl's strangely enough in a 5 lb container that's salt is quite good.

I try to avoid sourcing anyting that is not the actual material I buy my own herbals in bulk from the website www.our4corners.Net; and I make all my own capsules.

I use the vented Lids in a regular canning jar in the glass hockey pucks to hold the stuff down for the fermenting I'm not happy with where I am yet on it I've got a book coming in but I'll get there.

Sorry you got taking on the Himalayan salt it stinks when people do business online badly as you don't have much recourse unless you using PayPal. I hear that honey is a good source for sugar for fermentation. I have hives so I might try that myself down the road.

I haven't heard of me.we I will look sounds interesting.

Heavy metal is always a problem when I have one root canal I intend to have removed and after it fully heals I'll probably have an implant put in there with Titanium or with a ceramic I'm sorry.

But chelation has to be done with care because you need to deplete the body of a vital nutrients when you're removing heavy metals so you have to take those up to compensate for the loss.

I use the speech to text converter and it messed up on the champion juicer I have two of them and I love them both I have a green meal that I leave on one of them most of the time that I grind all sorts of different grains to flour here.

Comfrey is a herbal that is used for healing acceleration they call it a Volicerfrant and it contains Allintoin which concentrates the haluronic acid in your body to speed healing.

I either buy it from the website I listed above or preferably I grow it. My goal is to grow 100% of all the herbals I use.

I tried some of the Facebook groups I didn't get a lot of good from them. The only significant gain I did get was I found the tabular permanent canning lid system and that was a boon.

Most of my tea I get directly from Kenya I donate money to a school in Kenya Christian School in Kenya and they grow tea on the property. He sends me organic green tea and dark tea directly from his property and it's really strong I have to cut the normal amount by about a third to half or just over powers. But it is the best tea I've ever drunk.

Oolong tea is basically Chinese tea and it's consists of half green and half dark tea The Taste is really nice you should try it.

I have used celery as a bittering agent in juicing, to reduce the sweetness of carrots when I juice carrots. The pulp from a champion juicer after it's been run through a second time contains almost no flavor at all you should compost it or throw it out. I make it a point, not to listen to anything that comes from Hollywood, they are idiots, LOL!

When I make a tea, I make it to drink. I taje my herbals in capsule form so; I make it the way I like the taste of it, to drink.

Be blessed.



Sorry for the long delay.

What's your voice to text software that you use?

No offense, but it's not very good & I hope to buy one eventually & need to narrow down what's good & what isn't LOL

Thanks for the herbal site.

I only drink black tea when making kombucha.

Did you find a good price on your Champion juicer? If yes, where was that?

Wow, I can't believe you grind your own wheat. I don't have the time or patience for that LOL

Are you retired?

Kudos on your Kenya school. How much does it cost them to ship you tea all the way from there?

This one is shorter LOL

Hope you are doing well : )

No problem on the delay this is not a paid job lol.

I just run the voice to text on my Android phone it is not the best voice-to-text software out there but it is quick.

I bought from that herbal site for years they're top flight, and they're really good! The black tea makes a better kombucha scoby, but some of the others have interesting flavors one of the best kombuchas that I ran into is mostly lemonade right now.

I buy the champion juicers when I find them and people don't know what they're worth . I paid very little for the ones I've purchased. The last one I paid $2 for. But I never know when I'll find them!

It's pretty easy to grind wheat on the champion juicer with the attachment it doesn't take much time at all. I like to grind it because then I know what the flour is, and I'm a little scared of the GMOs.

I don't think I'll ever retire; I consult, so I'm working probably 30 hours a week right now.

The Kenya school is a wonderful place I wish I could go there and visit. But if I had the money to do that I would probably just send it to him, they need money so bad. But the kids are a treasure it's fun, as he sends me videos, it's fun to watch them laugh when they have almost nothing!

It cost him in the $20 to $30 range to send me a package of tea. I try to make sure that I sent him a little extra to cover it!

We are all doing well here except for the incessant rain!


Yeh I use black tea for my Kombucha, it's an English brand.

Damm why can't I find the link to the herbal site you gave me? Can you give it to me again pls.?

Ahh, so you bought the juicers at a garage sale?

You should be scared of the GMOs.

And you make bread from the wheat or what? Do you have a bread maker?

What rain? Where are you again?

Back when I had money in the early 90's, I used to fund an orphan or something.

Now that I know how scammy these things are, I would do things a lot differently.

When I have extra money, I donate to the YT channels I watch or someone who's in need for rent, etc. on crowdfunding sites.

Unfortunately, the entire world (US too) is in need of financial help.

The evils made damm sure we don't have anything & they succeeded.

Glad you are well :)

I will answer the rest tomorrow, late.


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