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RE: What is Reiki? ๐Ÿ™Œ

in #health โ€ข 7 years ago

Thank you for reminding me of the importance of Reiki. For the benefit of everyone.

I took my Level 1 in Chiang Mai three years ago and have since then been feeling a bit shy about asking to work on anyone other than myself or my family. I am conscious that we learn more about helping others in Level 2, though in my heart I know I have been able to help my partner & children.

Just two days ago my partner gave birth to our 2nd baby... and I do believe Reiki helped her safe passage in a crazy fast time of just 20mins. And for sure it has helped my 20month old son who is just a beaming vision of perfection :)

Do you practice on your friends? An do you charge for the service?

Thanks for your time. Sam

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Thank you, Sam! Congratulations on your children!! It makes me smile to know that you are sharing Reiki with them. Children are so open and receptive; it's beautiful and natural to shower them with this divine energy. I wish all children in this world could feel that love and support.

I felt shy when I started practicing many years ago too. I knew that it was real because I felt it and saw the results, but I was very ego-centered and self-conscious and wondered what other people would think of this "magic". I let that go as I found that those who need and want it come to me, and it's not my business to convince anyone that it works. Practice made me more confident.

I practice on friends, family, and clients. I don't necessarily "charge", but I do put a value on my services. Energy exchange is an important aspect of Reiki. I believe the receiver has incentive to genuinely open themselves and get as much out of healing as they can if they are willing to invest in it. That said, I tell people what is worth and let them offer something they think is fair, more as a symbolic gesture for themselves to demonstrate their readiness for Reiki. I have done sessions for money, goods, services, crystals, food, and even hugs!

Thank you Sara for your lovely response to my words. I really appreciate what you have said, all of which rings true for me.

When I ask that only the highest and best energies are coming to me at the start of my sessions with the kids they always look around me like they can see the shift in energy. Luna is especially receptive, her eyes light up and sometimes there is a little grin... like she understands everything already ;) But she is female of course and I do believe you girls have a stronger connection than us men, generally speaking. Though I guess that's mostly ego related stuff and perhaps not relevant to children?

People have come to me in the last few months and asked for Reiki but I have been too caught up in my own emotional drama to say yes to them, feeling like I wouldn't be able to give them my best. Though I see now this is really just me hiding from my fears. Too many 'what if?' scenarios going on in my head. When of course I should be thinking Just for Today...

Thank you helping me see clearer that which will be done :)

I cannot even express how I love your writing and comments and how you phrase things. I have tried before, I fail again LOL.

You are a beaut @saramiller

Thank you, Barry! I appreciate the compliment~*~

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