How has one year in Bali affected my 22 month old son?

in #health7 years ago (edited)


This is what Esteban looked like when we arrived in Bali for the first time, Dec 2015



Here you can see him kissing his new sister alongside his grandfather visiting from France a few weeks ago.

To answer the question in my title, this year in Bali I believe has done many wonderful things for him.

Enhanced connection with nature

Being the tropical paradise it is, he spends most of his time outside. Even when inside, the design of the Bali houses basically ensures you are still mostly outside. So, he has already learned much about the wonders of nature which here in Bali are really quite spectacular. He loves to chase the giant butterflies and is an expert gecko spotter. In essence he loves all animals now and particularly loves cows! Screaming ‘moooooo’ at the top of his voice whenever he sees one.


No need for shoes

In part due to the temperature here, he doesn’t wear shoes. But as a non-shoe wearer myself, I happen to know that this is a big advantage to your posture and bio-electric voltage which should be the same as the earth we walk on.


Plastic soled shoes mess with the natural posture and insulate us from this natural form of earthing. Meaning that they are basically a health hazard, given the multitude of electrical devices around us messing with out natural voltage. The only way to protect your natural voltage is to remain earthed with your bare feet upon the ground.


Increased sunlight exposure

Everyone knows Vitamin D is good for you. But daily sunshine exposure is so much more than that. It helps balance our natural circadian rhythm, encouraging a deep, restful sleep and a natural desire to rise at dawn, before the sun hits the horizon, after which we feel a burst of energy when the light touches our skin.

I am a sungazer, so with consistently clear mornings, Bali is the perfect place for me. I have a morning routine which involves spinning my fire-staff, sungazing and stretching my muscles. Esteban does not look directly at the sun, but instead runs around naked in that magical morning light, playing with Krishna his Hindu friend, spinning his own baby fire-staff and chasing the dogs.


There is much to say on the subject of sunlight but in short it can be used to cure all kinds of ailments, it can connect you to the Source of 'all that is' through the activation & growth of your pineal gland, it can bleach away the brown poop-stains on Esteban's washable nappies and it can remove all the ants from your sugar pot!

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Culture & religion respect

The world around him is not a single culture (as it so often is for children) but instead a diverse mixture of cultures. Here we are friends with an eclectic array of international ex-pats and locals comprised of Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims.

This point does not so much relate to his health but more to his development as a respectful human being, open to all cultures and religions, yet attached to none.


Healthy & inexpensive diet

Esteban is a vegan like us. Please don’t waste your time trying to persuade me this is not healthy for a baby. I have researched the subject extensively and you only have to spend five minutes with him to know that he is 100% healthy. He never gets sick, consistently has more energy than me and instinctively loves the kind of food that everyone knows is good for us.

Last night he ate a plate of raw broccoli, raw cauliflower, lentils, edamame beans & fruit. He starts every morning with freshly squeezed orange juice, bananas & watermelon soaked in lime juice, followed by a granola mix & a fruit smoothie.


Fruit & vegetable are grown in abundance here in Bali (due to the all year round growing season) and can be acquired for almost nothing at the local markets. The price seems to come down once you get to know them and can speak a few words in their language.

Notice the percentage of green stuff on his plate. That's right folks, we are herbivores and as such, green stuff is rather important.

Multiple language development

He has a basic vocabulary in three languages already. Sabrina speaks to him in French, I speak to him in English and all the locals speak to him in Indonesian. Yesterday he listed all his body parts in french and english. He is 22 months old. I mean come on! That’s pretty amazing hey? His french is almost better than mine already. And whilst his Indonesian is the most basic of the three he still understands & speaks many local words.

So this would lead me to believe that his brain is developing rather well (despite the common argument that a vegan diet at this age leads to stunted brain development).

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In conclusion

These early years are the most important of a child's life. Esteban's understanding of the world as he sees it now will stay with him forever. So I am most grateful for this year in Bali, and feel sure it has helped him already in a great many ways.


Some of you may have noticed we are finding it rather hard to leave!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and looking forward to sharing more...



Amazing story of a happy family! Every people in the world should live this way!

Thanks. And yes, if only everyone introduced the world to their children in this way, we would fix the many problems in one generation :)

Thanks for the comment .

Great post @samstonehill. Esteban will show the world whats up, allowed to discover it for himself. There is no greater service as a parent than to honor their divinity. Such a joy it is to experience the ease of having a child--sitting back and enjoying the journey.

Only 29 days behind schedule here! Haha. Better late than never :)

Many thanks for your beautiful words. Esteban has taught me much about myself already and I look forward every day to more more more :)

They are definitely our teachers. Once we begin to realize that, our whole perspective on life changes. Grateful you are getting to share this experience together.

Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure. It was a fun post to make :)

Beautiful! I would say your time in Bali is giving Esteban an amazing start in life... my parents were "global nomads" and I know that exposure has stood me in good stead in many different ways.

Thank you for sharing this. Interesting to hear it from the horses mouth, so to speak!

I was born in London and stayed there till 3 years ago. And I in a sense I was a prisoner to the system I understood as my reality. But now that I am a traveler with no fixed address & no bank account, I am learning more about the world than ever. And I look forward to seeing how Esteban (and Luna!) develop into adults on this great nomadic path ....upon which we softly tread ;)

Wow, this is amazing! such a cutie exploring nature.
I'm half German and Asian, everytime i visit Malaysia as a kid, i felt that special connection with Nature. Now that i live here, i can't stand living in the City for too long and i understand why expats are to be found all over tropical countries! Connection & bond humans have with Nature is priceless

Thanks for the comment :) Yes, the connection with nature is within each of us, but lost & forgotten when distracted by the many realities of city life. I spent my entire life in London and only now that I am a traveler with no fixed address have I been able to truly connect with who I am and ultimately enhance my bond with Nature.

I am writing these words at 4.30am, sitting between rice fields and a jungle valley in Ubud where I am staying for one night with friend. I can hear the rushing river in the valley below me and a chorus of sound from the creatures of the night around me. And no traffic!

And in this moment I know I am at home :)

Great post! Thanks for shareing !👍😉

Thanks Karen. Am pleased you enjoyed it ;) It was a fun post to create.

What a beautiful start in life you have given him!

Thanks. That is my intention :)

Next step is figuring out a system for educating him myself. As he won't be attending any schools... unless he expresses a desire to do so :)

Beautiful shots bro, much love to all <3

Thanks Keni :) This was a particularly fun post to write. I enjoy knowing that is will be here forever on the blockchain. And will hopefully help other parents with their own path back to nature :)

thats awesome!

Thanks for checking out some of my older posts :)

Have followed you, to see what you are up to.

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