Detox Glyphosate: Fibro and Gut Diseases healed.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Glyphosate could be responsible for so much.  

Currently I am working with a lady who suffered with fibromyalgic pain for many years.  We've been busy trying to detox things she's been exposed to.  We do this by using the substance in homeopathic potency.  The observation is that a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can [when properly prepared] cause the body to resolve those symptoms in a sick person [Homeopathy = 'same suffering' or "like treats like'].
The substance, having CAUSED side effects is homeopathic to those side effects.  Yep!  Sounds counterintuitive ... but it isn't a theory, it is an ancient observation & not uncommonly found in use in conventional medicine ... for example the use of speed [Ritalin] to treat hyperactivity.  However it does work ... it works.  

After detoxing glyphosate [she'd used bucket loads in her garden over the years], this patient of mine went from a pain rating of 10/10 to 0/10 within about 5 weeks.  She still had 4/10 after strenuous gardening but recovers fast.  

I also treat her grandson, who is severely autistic, unable to speak and has been close to death with his health problems until he worked with a [famous] biomedical doctor.  He's been doing GREAT with homeopathy and detoxes but his gut is a terrible mess.  When his mum heard of her mum's results with glyph detox she was keen to try it for her son.  She'd been heavily exposed at work [baking flours] during his pregnancy and was probably pretty glyph toxic herself.

I just followed up with mum and son today.  After the glyph detox ALL the stomach bloating is gone [it was so distended it HURT badly].  Constipation is gone [it was BAD!]  He is able to digest the fibre of vegetables without the addition of enzymes, and seems to be less sensitive to foods with oxalates ... and he is wearing shorts and no diapers.   The gut healing is amazing.
His word approximations are coming rapidly and are getting clearer.  He's doing actual somersaults on his gym mat and riding his scooter full pelt.  He's on the verge of speech just as he approaches his 8th birthday.  He is connected to his people [this came after detoxes before glyph detox] and has recently learned to read.  He's doing his school work with good concentration and can sit and focus. This child was a severely ailing child when I met him in October 2016.  He has made leaps and bounds and is looking like a new child.  When I met him he was in a lot of head pain, head banging, and having terrible meltdowns most all day long.  Frequently he could barely get out of bed.  His eczema was terrible.  His family hadn't been able to take him out for 7 months at that point.  He was a very sick child.
Today we had to get off Skype to let them get on with their trip into the city.  


So homeopathically, you are using glyphosate to detox glyphosate?

Here are some of my other posts:

Yes! The substance is highly diluted and potentised with succussions (shaking/friction). In this form it can't have toxic effects and prompts the body to resolve side effects the body set up in response to the initial substance.

Wow! Congrats on helping them to detox.

Yep, in homeopathic potency. The substance is highly diluted and potentised in a special process that uses 'succussion' (shaking/friction).
In this form it can't produce any toxic effect but it can cause the body to eliminate side effects the body has produced after exposure to the substance.

Great work! Round Up is a killer indeed.

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