There Are No Shortcuts to Good Health!

in #health6 years ago

It's hard to watch friends and family members that I deeply care about trusting in doctors and big pharma to give them the solutions to their health problems. I think most doctors go into the profession with benevolent goals, but the sad fact of today is that they predominantly prescribe medications that only mask the symptoms.


It seems much easier for people to defer to an authority than take responsibility for their own health. This may seem easier for a while but I have seen this end in disaster over and over. If you are not getting to the heart of the problem and only masking the symptoms, trouble is still brewing within and will eventually cause bigger concerns.

The number one cause of death in the U.S is heart and blood vessel disease. The biggest causes of heart and blood vessel disease are poor diet and exercise habits and also habits like smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. We are literally killing ourselves.

The third leading cause of death in this country is medical error! It blows my mind that people want to defer to doctors, take a pill for everything and not take responsibility for their health.

There are no shortcuts to good health. You need a healthy diet that includes healthy forms of fats, carbs, and proteins. You also need regular exercise.


Natural health is a big passion of mine. I have always had a strong connection to nature and have to go into raw nature regularly to meditate and recharge. It is crazy to me how far away from nature that we have gotten in many aspects of our lives.

I am thankful for every moment that I am alive and breathing and able to walk around on this beautiful planet. I consider my health as my wealth as the saying goes and hope that we can all realize the power of good diet and exercise habits.


The Steem Experience

I have made a new category in TSE discord. If you are interested in natural health, please consider coming here to exchange ideas with like minded individuals. Click here to go directly to the "natural-health" chat


Plant foods are the healthiest to eat. Prevent disease? Eat plants only. Thrive in health? Eat plants only. Veganism is the future.

How Not To Die: The Role of Diet in Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing Our Top 15 Killers

"There are no shortcuts to good health". There has never been truer words!
I think there are millions of people out there looking for that "magic pill" to make themselves a healthier, happier person and it just doesn't exist. As much as I would like to tell my clients that this pill does indeed exist... I don't know if it ever will.

You have to work hard and change what goes into your body and how you view the body that you were given. After some time, changes begin to manifest themselves on the outside as well as the inside.

Both physical and mental health doesn't come within a day... or two... or even three. It takes time to create the correct habits that will lead you to a healthy life!

I just love this post and I hope everyone in the Steem community reads it! There is no true "magic pill". The only "magic pill" is discipline and hard work! :)

Up vote and a follow from me! Keep sharing and inspiring everyone to take control of their health! :)

I am thankful for every moment that I am alive and breathing and able to walk around on this beautiful planet. I consider my health as my wealth as the saying goes and hope that we can all realize the power of good diet and exercise habits.


I see the Chinese are hundreds of years old. The secret is, as you say: regular diet and exercise and always positive thinking.

treating symptoms is a lucrative business !

I am thankful for every moment that I am alive and breathing and able to walk around on this beautiful planet.

✌ every day

Unfortunately a lot of people are already addicted to smoking and alcohol and so even if they see the information against them, they still continue with their old ways.

Great article. Completely true. The traditional medical community is not focused on health apriori, they are focused on pills after disease appears.

People need to learn to focus on health, before disease appears.

I'm also guilty of this. Took a life and death situation for me to appreciate nature.

Well said. Food is fuel and you get out what you put in. Stay healthy my friends!

That's right, we need to take care of ourselves and never depend on Doctors and Medications and try to live natural and organic life because that is the base of quality and healthy life and we need proper exercise daily because it makes our physical and mental aspects strong and we can handle all phases of life effectively and the most important thing is explore the beauty of nature because that can heal anyone. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

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