My ADHD and how i can live with it

in #health7 years ago (edited)


When one thinks of the biological condition ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder), also commonly known as ADD; they usually associate the disorder with unruly children. Whilst ADHD is the most common mental disorder that affects children today, this behavioral disorder affects a multitude of people of all different ages and backgrounds. ADHD is commonly diagnosed in childhood but is a lifelong disorder that people do not simply outgrow. Patients diagnosed with ADHD must learn how to manage and treat the disorder effectively so that they can lead happy and successful lives; which is entirely possible. People with ADHD can learn and have learned to use certain aspects of their ‘disorder’ to their advantage in many aspects of life.

ADHD at a Glance

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ADHD is a neurobehavioral disorder that is associated with three main symptom groups: inattention (difficulty keeping focus), impulsivity (making rash decisions quickly, without thinking them through) and overactivity (difficulty keeping still in all kinds of situations). This does not mean every single person that fidgets or is forgetful has ADHD, or that every person with ADHD will showcase all three of these symptoms. This is especially true in children as most people are aware, the majority of young children have difficulty keeping still and holding their focus in general. Diagnosing ADHD is not as simple as doing a single test on the patient; a full physical exam must be done and behavioral studies of the last six months. The patient also has to have been showcasing similar symptoms since they were twelve years of age. When ADHD is diagnosed the patient will fall under one of these three categories: Primarily Inattentive, Primarily Hyperactive or Combined subtype. While studies show that ADHD is often mistakenly diagnosed in children that have simply not matured as quickly as their peers; studies show the disorder is largely under-diagnosed, misunderstood and under-treated. Diagnosis can be welcomed as a relief to parents and patients but can also leave the diagnosed individual feeling like an outcast of sorts and that there is something wrong with them. This is why more awareness and acceptance revolving around mental health issues and disorders like ADHD needs to be raised.

ADHD’s Symptoms
The symptoms of ADHD fall under the three groups mentioned above: inattention, impulsivity, and overactivity.
People that fall under the inattentive group of ADHD are generally less active and disruptive than others with ADHD, which can lead to a late diagnosis or failure to diagnose at all. They tend to have trouble focusing on and completing tasks and procrastinate quite a lot. Inattentive symptoms include:
Daydreaming frequently
Easily distracted
Trouble completing assigned tasks on time
Forgetful about commitments (appointments etc.)
Have difficulty listening to and following instructions
People with impulsive tendencies seem reckless and lack inhibition in social situations. Symptoms of impulsivity include:
Making important decisions without thinking about future consequences
Often impatient and has difficulty waiting their turn
Intrudes on others without thinking
Often interrupts others
Accident prone



Hyperactive symptoms are what most people associate childhood ADHD with, they include:
Running or climbing in situations it is deemed inappropriate
Talks excessively
Has difficulty keeping quiet or engaging in ‘relaxing’ ‘leisurely’ activities
Leaves their seat frequently when they are expected to remain seated
Fidgets often
Seems like they are always ‘on the go’ and don’t sit still, some people liken this to them seeming like they are ‘run by a motor’

Cure and Treatment
There is no known cure for ADHD but there is a variety of treatments available to those diagnosed.


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Stimulants are the most commonly prescribed medication given to those diagnosed with ADHD. While it may seem strange to give someone with ADHD a stimulant drug, they have been administered effectively to many patients for decades. These drugs increase dopamine levels in the brain, which is proven to help ADHD patients focus better on tasks and hand and slow down as no other stimuli are needed. These drugs have improved the quality of life for many patients, helping them focus better at school or in the workplace. Some common stimulants prescribed to people with ADHD are:
Stimulants definitely work well for some individuals, but not all. Every individual with ADHD is different, therefore it is important for patients to work closely with their doctors to fine tune their dosage so it is perfectly suited for them. Stimulants also can harbor some nasty side effects such as sleep disruption, loss of appetite, stunted growth in children, headaches, stomach aches and irritability when the medication starts to wear off. As time goes on, more and more treatment options are becoming available to ADHD patients, meaning stimulants aren’t the only answer anymore. If side effects are too bothersome or stimulants don’t seem to be working, doctors may prescribe a non-stimulant medicine such as Strattera. These may be used alongside or instead of stimulating drugs, depending on the individual.

Therapy can be used instead of, or alongside medication treatments for ADHD. When diagnosed in childhood, behavioral therapy administered by parents and teachers working alongside with their doctors has been proven to work well for many patients. Behavioral therapy is mainly based around helping the patient and their parents or guardians set a routine, notice the specific behaviors that are hindering the child's development and soften or stop them with positive and negative reinforcement. Simply speaking to a therapist can help ADHD patients of all ages with different aspects of life. Speaking openly about their condition to someone that does not hold any prejudices or judgment towards them can help the patient understand their ADHD better and therefore learn ways to control their symptoms. Being diagnosed with a mental condition such as ADHD can be a relief, but can also be very overwhelming and make the patient feel like they are inadequate to their peers. Talking to the right licensed therapist about how they feel about their diagnosis can help ADHD patients feel less alone. In saying this, it is extremely important to find the right therapist and to remember that sometimes that can take a few tries and sometimes, in the end, therapy is not for everyone.

Alternate Treatments
A lot of people living with ADHD today have learned to manage their condition without medication and therapy. While not impossible and proven to be very beneficially effective, when considering alternative therapies, it is important to have a strong support system and to persist even though instant results may not arise. These treatments can also be used alongside prescribed medication and therapy. Alternate treatments to help calm the ADHD brain include:
Practicing mindfulness, yoga and meditation
Exercise, especially sports that take place outside and some time to master, such as surfing
Cutting out artificial preservatives and colors from diet
Taking natural supplements such as ginkgo, ginseng and passionflower
Setting a daily routine, writing lists etc.
Spending more time outside and in nature

Living With ADHD: Surviving and Thriving
Living with ADHD in a world that seems to be working against you can be extremely frustrating and exhausting. Unfortunately, this means that people with ADHD are more likely to suffer from substance abuse, depression and suicidal thoughts than others. Building awareness and acceptance surrounding mental conditions are very important and people with ADHD need to remember to take things a day at a time, not to be too hard on themselves and disheartened by setbacks. Simple things such as writing a list of what they want to achieve in a day or taking some time to stop, breathe and think before making a decision can make all the difference. The positives of ADHD are rarely mentioned, if at all, but many people living with ADHD have learned to channel their symptoms into strengths and this has benefitted them greatly in their chosen field. Some benefits people can channel from their ADHD include:

Increased creativity and inventiveness
Increased energy

Despite the stigma revolving around ADHD, people living with it do go on to lead happy and very successful lives and every person living with a mental condition, such as ADHD should be commended for their strength


So, if I have these

Inattentive symptoms include:
Daydreaming frequently
Easily distracted
Trouble completing assigned tasks on time
Forgetful about commitments (appointments etc.)
Have difficulty listening to and following instructions

do I count as ADHD ? :)

Seriously asking.



Yes that could be ADHD. You can do online test here

Im not! On the bleeding edge :)


Ive read carefully each question and carefully examined such behavior on weekly basis/intensity :)

Thanks man.
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upvoted ^_^ very nice article

nicely put, just be who you are and the right people will like ya for you...

Thank you dear

I tried a lot of different medications over the years. Eventually I've found only two that work. Coffee or Modafinil.

Very Useful, THANX!

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Jim Carrey, Richard Branson, Michael Phelps are people with ADHD to reach the heights.

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