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RE: 'GIVING UP' Might save your life: How Emotional Processing can heal us physically - My spinal misalignment was corrected by SCREAMING & crying!

in #health7 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience @ura-soul !.
Treatment of trauma of all sorts is a very misunderstood thing indeed. in truth its a multidisciplinary study and modality, some of these modalities and disciplines the effectively treat Traumatic experiences are not available through the standard model of medical care available in the "civilised" western nations.

Infact i heard a term used to describe our models way of operation when i was at university. hospitals and doctors are instructed to get a patient out and away from care as fast as possible or "sicker and quicker"

That has bled over into treatments such as Acupuncture where traditionally a clinician would see a person daily for a number of weeks administering herbs, Massage, Needling and Guiding meditative and movement/breathing therapies. It was and is understood that these treatments are effective cumulatively.

Yet the modern method of practice of Acupuncture demands a high cost low amplitude method, Where a practitioner charges a lot for the consultation and short sessions only once a week. Each of these sessions only being limited to one modality (usually Needling). This yields Very limited results in comparison to the traditional model of Healing.

A business model rather than a Healing model.


exactly, yes - thanks for sharing. healthcare is a desire, not a market!
all of this is why i am so focused into helping others to activate and empower their own internal healing process - since that is the modern day equivalent of the garlic that gets rid of the vampires!
(amusingly I have used garlic to get rid of bacterial vampires too - a great antiseptic!).

Garlic is powerful stuff!.
Thats awesome!.
on that subject of activating internal healing. The Monroe institute ( Bob Monroe is one of the reasons we have the term O.B.E - out of body experience) did a series pf meditations for people who where dealing with post operative situations. As you said. Healing is a desire and these Meditations yielded statistically significant results when used. (actually i could talk at length on the Monroe institute and the effectiveness of their material, needless to say they have produced many viable and useful programs. some of which are related to self healing via internal personal methods. Many of the alphabet agencies and certain Corporate remote viewing organisations regard their programs as mandatory pre requisites. but that is a conversation for another place and time. )

yes, i am aware of that area of research too and used their binaural meditation audio for a while. i have also spoken with the head of the farsight institute remote viewing program - but I feel there are numerous hidden factors involved with their agenda that I don't like and so I don't deal with them any more.
great topics :)

I had assumed you where Familiar with them.
I understand completely regarding F.S.I . Agreed They are great topics, They have provided some of the best research experiences yet. :)

hmm, that's a weird syncrhonicity.. the company i was working for on the day of my crash was also called F.S.I.
noted. ;)

whoa. Well, all i can say is my day is not complete or normal if there isn't at least one Synchronicity and that was # 3 for the day.

hehe - yes, i like what the channelled entity 'bashar' has to say about synchronicity.. of which there is a lot.

  • Everything we experience is synchronicity and the more we notice it, the more we will attract more experiences of noticing it.

Another Very interesting topic!. I like that Quote very much :)

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