Foraging from the Wild - Benefits of Nettles

in #health6 years ago

fresh bundle of nettle.JPGOne of the first greens to come up in spring, Stinging Nettle (scientifically known as Urtica dioica) is a very nutritious plant and is welcome in our home for nettle tea ( I like to combine it with mint tea),
potato nettle soup,
Scottish "nettle pudding" with leeks, broccoli, and rice
one of my favorites is nettle mango smoothie (combine a handful of nettle leaves, a mango and a handful of prunes that have been soaked. Blend them together with some water and you've got a Delicious energizing drink!)
I also dry the nettles to throw into soups, stews and casseroles.

Nettles is known to be a great source of vitamin A,C, protein and iron (great for treating anemia) and is a good source for food, fiber (you can make a cool bracelets by stripping the outer skin of the stem off and pulling the fibers apart then braiding them) and pharmaceuticals.

It has been recognized that nettles has the ability to stop internal and external bleeding plus be a good blood purifier.
Other things it is considered to help with is:
mucus congestion and seasonal allergies
skin irritations (puree some of the leaves and use it to treat it's own stinging irritation caused by the oils on the hairs) plus it can be used as a scalp conditioner.
Studies have shown it has antioxidant, antimicrobial, astringent and analgesic capabilities.
Nettle teas is said to help nursing mothers produce milk and when applied externally, has been used for treating painful muscles and joints plus and used to reduce symptoms of arthritis.

Not only is nettles good for humans but it is also great for plants, added to the compost or make a tea with it to feed your plants and experience increased growth.

I hope this helps you see the nettle in a different light, not just a stinging nuisance. Let me know if you have other uses for nettle or any favorite nettle recipes.


Thank you for sharing the benefits of nettles....these are really good for health

I get a lot of benefits from them. The way I get an immediate benefit is through having them in smoothies - I get a real energy boost!

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

skin irritations (puree some of the leaves and use it to treat it's own stinging irritation caused by the oils on the hairs) plus it can be used as a scalp conditioner.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

Thank you @porters for such an informative post. How soon after picking do you add nettle to a smoothie? I also love my medicinal herbs and "weeds". Nettle is so powerful. I enjoy it as a tea but especially in kombucha.

I pick the nettle fresh and put it in my smoothies - gives a real energy boost. I also dry some for winter to add to smoothies and soups and such.

I have only ever dried the nettle and used it that way. But I'm going to try it fresh in smoothies. Thank you for the great tip

You're welcome! I usually add some soaked prunes or dates to improve the flavor. Love it with mango!

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