
Would you seriously tell these intelligent parents, who are the only experts on their son's pre-vaccinated behaviour, that his behaviour did not deteriorate after vaccination and you know this because you believe medical experts who study the results of experiments on baby monkeys?
There are parents who have reversed their child's autism using heavy metal detox. There's a video on the web, somewhere, that shows a boy when he was autistic, aged around 2 and then again around age 6, talking about what he remembers about being autistic.

Exactly! Thank-you #cathi-xx . It is so frustrating to see people ignore the ones who know their children best and care the most -- the parents. You can't tell someone that their own experience is wrong; possibly coincidence, but not wrong. But then when you have thousands of parents saying almost the same story it is no longer possible that it is coincidence but rather "strong circumstantial evidence."
The thing that people citing these studies that supposedly prove vaccines don't cause autism don't think about is that although the smart, educated and highly-funded scientists assure us that vaccines don't cause autism, they still leave us with no answers as to what DOES cause autism? The way I interpret that is, "Put complete faith and trust in our methods and intelligence when we say that vaccines don't cause autism, but don't question why we are incapable and not smart enough to find out what does cause it." If you can't show me what does cause autism, then please don't assure me as to what doesn't cause it -- especially not after tens of thousands of parents have come forward and said that saw with their own eyes that vaccines changed their normal child into a sick and/or autistic child. For me, I'll trust the thousands upon thousands of eye witnesses, thank-you very much.

Concerned parents are not epidemiologists. The University of Google doesn't confer medical expertise. Despite many claims and attempts to link autism to specific environmental factors (most notoriously vaccines), the evidence ultimately does not support any such connection. What considerable recent research does suggest is that autism is dominantly a genetic disorder, something many parents don't seem to want to hear:

There's a scientist who has written a book, I've forgotten her name, and her work was developing vaccines. She said that she often saw colleagues falsifying results. Years later, when she wanted to start a family, she decided to research all the data available, going as far back as she could. At the end of it she wrote a book and did NOT vaccinate her child.
Intelligent people do not need a science degree to know what eye contact and a smile is and they don't need a degree to notice when that behaviour disappears and they don't need a science degree to figure out that the behaviour changed right after immunisation and all other things were equal, i.e. the kid didn't swallow a mercy thermometer.
You think that being patronising to thousands of parents makes you intelligent but it only makes you arrogant.

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