Messenger Messages Do not Sleep After Eating / Pesan Rasulullah Jangan Tidur Setelah Makan

in #health6 years ago


Dear Steemians

Good day friends Steemians, this afternoon I want to post about the command of the Messenger of Allah Do not sleep after eating meal.
It turns out that right to sleep after eating sahur there is an impact that is not good for the body.
Rasulullah advised do not you sleep after continue to eat the good meal of the road or activity around 5 minutes for the food that you consume more easily digested. After eating sahur well you do worship while waiting for prayer shubuh arrived Rasulullah word catering food with worship to Allah SWT and prayer and do not you continue to sleep after eating because it can make your heart becomes hard but eat sahur is important because it is recommended to eat meal until dawn Imsak time with you obey the command of the Prophet is very useful for your health suppose you sleep after the meal is not very good for your health as the stomach will bloated. Belly stomach occurs because during sleep so energy-saving body and automatic fat will be easily accommodated in our stomach and reflux that is when the food has not been digested it can turn from the stomach into the esophagus. This happens because the result of our sleep should you avoid reflux can injure stomach acid will rise and hurt the esophagus and feels hot like burning next mouth was bitter.
Normally the contents of the stomach will be empty again about 1 hour after a meal for example when the position of the body lying down then emptying the stomach will inhibit the consequences of resulting disorders such as digestion, diarrhea or constipation depending on food in the meal.

Bahasa Indonesia

Salam Steemians

Selamat siang teman-teman Steemians,siang ini saya mau memposting tentang perintah Rasulullah Jangan tidur setelah makan sahur.
Ternyata benar tidur setelah makan sahur ada dampak yang tidak baik bagi tubuh.
Rasulullah berpesan janganlah anda tidur terus setelah makan sahur baiknya jalan atau aktivitas mundar-mandir barang 5 menit saja agar makanan yang anda komsumsi lebih mudah dicerna. Setelah makan sahur baiknya anda melakukan ibadah sambil menunggu shalat shubuh tiba kata Rasulullah cernakan makanan dengan beribadah kepada Allah SWT dan shalat dan jangan kalian terus tidur setelah makan karena dapat membuat hati kalian menjadi keras tetapi makan sahur itu penting karena di anjurkan batas makan sahur sampai menjelang waktu imsak dengan anda mematuhi perintah Rasulullah memang sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan anda misalkan anda tidur setelah sahur itu sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan anda seperti perut akan buncit. Perut buncit terjadi karena saat tidur jadi tubuh hemat energi dan otomatis lemak akan mudah tertampung di perut kita dan refluks yaitu ketika makanan belum dicerna maka bisa berbalik dari lambung ke kerongkongan. Hal tersebut terjadi karena akibat kita tidur sebaiknya anda hindari refluks bisa melukai asam lambung akan naik dan melukai kerongkongan dan terasa panas seperti terbakar selanjutnya mulut terasa pahit.
Normalnya isi lambung akan kosong kembali sekitar 1 jam setelah makan misal bila posisi tubuh berbaring maka pengosongan lambung akan menghambat jadi akibatnya timbullah gangguan seperti pencernaan,diare atau sembelit tergantung bahan makanan yang di makan.


@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

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