Witch Hunt against those who speak out about this common practice

in #health7 years ago

From about 1450 to 1750, there were tens of thousands of executions against witches - could it begin again in the USA?

Story at-a-glance

  • Elite members of the highest paid professions use academic journals and mainstream media to openly preach fear, hate, prejudice and discrimination against people who disagree with them about vaccination
  • Recent editorials have called for violence against and even death sentences for parents who opt not to follow the recommended vaccination schedule. Racial profiling is also blatantly employed
  • Class and race baiting has no place in the public conversation about vaccination and there should be no safe harbor for those who engage in it. Until laws limit the authority of doctors to violate human rights, your health and freedom are at risk


Vaccine disasters governments want you to forget

Official history is a curious thing. Whole sections of fact disappear from the record.

When I was researching my first book, AIDS Inc, in 1987-88, I explored various forms of immune-system suppression, in order to show that HIV was not the real story.

I looked into vaccines, for example. Here is an excerpt from AIDS Inc. Keep in mind that my research, at the time, ended in 1988. This excerpt reports on vaccines disasters and statements about vaccines made by several authors.

It is forgotten history:

… Based on the only U.S. findings on adverse DPT [diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine] reactions, an FDA-financed study at the University of California, Los Angeles, one out of every 350 children will have a convulsion; one in 180 children will experience high-pitched screaming [can indicate brain damage]; and one in 66 will have a fever of 105 degrees or more.

Jennifer Hyman, Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, special supplement on DPT, dated April, 1987.

A study undertaken in 1979 at the University of California, Los Angeles, under the sponsorship of the Food and Drug Administration, and which has been confirmed by other studies, indicates that in the U.S.A. approximately 1,000 infants die annually as a direct result of DPT vaccinations, and these are classified as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) deaths. These represent about 10 to 15% of the total number of SIDS deaths occurring annually in the U.S.A. (between 8,000 and 10,000 depending on which statistics are used).

Leon Chaitow, Vaccination and Immunization, CW Daniel Company Limited, Saffron Walden, Essex, England, 1987.

Assistant Secretary of Health Edward Brandt, Jr., MD, testifying before the U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, rounded… figures off to 9,000 cases of convulsions, 9,000 cases of collapse, and 17,000 cases of high-pitched screaming for a total of 35,000 acute neurological reactions occurring within forty-eight hours of a DPT shot among America’s children every year.

DPT: A Shot in the Dark, by Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fischer, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.)

… Barker and Pichichero, in a prospective study of 1232 children in Denver, Colorado, found after DTP that only 7% of those vaccinated were free from untoward reactions, which included pyrexia [fever] (53%), acute behavioral changes (82%), prolonged screaming (13%), and listlessness, anorexia and vomiting. 71% of those receiving second injections of DTP experienced two or more of the reactions monitored.”

Lancet, May 28, 1983, p. 1217

… the swine-flu vaccination program was one of its (CDC) greatest blunders…It all began in 1976 when CDC scientists saw that a virus involved in a flu attack outbreak at Fort Dix, N.J., was similar to the swine-flu virus that killed 500,000 Americans in 1918. Health officials immediately launched a 100-million dollar program to immunize every American. But the expected epidemic never materialized, and the vaccine led to partial paralysis in 532 people. There were 32 deaths.

U.S. News and World Report, Joseph Carey, October 14, 1985, p. 70, “How Medical Sleuths Track Killer Diseases."

Smallpox, like typhus, has been dying out (in England) since 1780. Vaccination in this country has largely fallen into disuse since people began to realize how its value was discredited by the great smallpox epidemic of 1871-2 (which occurred after extensive vaccination).

W. Scott Webb, A Century of Vaccination, Swan Sonnenschein, 1898.

And many more… source

I've seen cases of vaccine injury for 40 years

Australian doctor exposes vaccine damage, stands up to government/media attacks

In Australia, the noose is tightening around parents’ and children’s necks.

There is already a policy in place that denies certain government benefits to families who don’t vaccinate their kids. Now, there is legislation that would deny unvaccinated children enrollment in daycare and kindergarten.

But a grassroots rebellion is underway.

Australian MD John Piesse has stepped out of the shadows and reported his findings and research on vaccine damage. The government is investigating him. They may strip his license. The press is attacking him mercilessly.

He isn’t backing down.

His stance is certainly heroic, but remember that every doctor takes an oath to do no harm to his patients. Without question, there are many other doctors who know the truth, first-hand, about what vaccines really do. But they stay silent.

Some of these doctors don’t vaccinate their own children…but they continue to inject toxic chemicals and viruses into their young patients. That is a crime and betrayal of the first order.

Here, in full, is a letter Dr. Piesse recently wrote to The Age. Read it. Study it. Understand it. This isn’t the unhinged raving of a madman, as the press would have you believe.

This is basic truth that every parent should have and own:

I have been encountering cases of vaccine injury for over 40 years. In June it was a happy, healthy nearly 5-year-old whose parents were required to put her on a catch-up schedule, in order to get her into kindergarten. She won’t be going to kinder. She’s in a wheel-chair, brain-damaged. Her life ruined. Then came a friend’s father who died after a flu vaccine, and last week a 4 year old boy, made autistic by a catch-up schedule.

In 1988, the US National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was created. It has paid out over US$3.5 billion to the vaccine-injured. The NVICP was set up to protect vaccine manufacturers from ruinous costs of litigation by vaccine-damaged people. It was deemed preferable to have ‘unavoidably unsafe’ vaccines than no vaccines. Unfortunately the protection provided to vaccine manufacturers also reduced incentives to develop safer vaccines in USA.

Vaccines contain health-damaging ingredients, not the least aluminium – a known neurotoxin implicated along with mercury, in brain damage as in autism, developmental delay, ADHD, and learning difficulties. Aluminium is also a powerful promoter of auto-immune diseases. Vaccines can claim to be mercury-free if their mercury content is below a still-toxic threshold. Most influenza vaccines contain mercury – also a neurotoxin. In addition, polysorbate 80 in vaccines increases the permeability of the blood brain barrier and potentiates the risks of these neurotoxins. The known presence of carcinogenic viruses in the MMR vaccine, has been covered-up. Vaccines also contain formaldehyde, a known carcinogen.

Proof of vaccine safety requires rigorously conducted clinical studies comparing vaccinated versus truly unvaccinated children for health outcomes. Are there any such studies that confirm that vaccinated children are not worse-off than those unvaccinated? No. There are none. Hence, child vaccines are unproven for safety – an inconvenient truth for a profession that prides itself on being scientific.

One analysis indicated that national infant mortality rates were proportional to the number of vaccine doses, contradictory to the claim that ‘vaccination saves lives’.

​ — Miller NZ 2011

From mid-2015, parents who wished not to vaccinate their children, started to converge on my practice seeking assistance with gaining exemption from the penalties directed at non-vaccinators by the No Jab No Pay and No Jab No Play Legislation.

Analysis up to the end of 2016 of parent’s reasons for not vaccinating, indicated that 64% of 166 parents knew of vaccine-damaged individuals in their own family. The study of ‘Adversomics’ confirms polymorphic and genomic susceptibility factors common to vaccine–damaged individuals and their families. (Poland GA 2015). 40% of unvaccinated children had pre-existing health problems that parents considered would make them more at risk of harm from vaccines. 60% of unvaccinated children were very healthy, but only 6% of the vaccinated children. There were no cases of autism in 212 unvaccinated children, but 8 autism cases in the 50 vaccinated children (16%), and 36% with ASD [autism spectrum disorder], compared to 1.4% in the unvaccinated.

As yet there are no large-scale vaccinated versus truly unvaccinated studies of the sort needed prove that vaccines do or do not cause autism.

So where does the widespread belief that vaccines do not cause autism derive? In a nutshell: from an over-whelming quantity of ‘manufactured science’ of low quality, scientific fraud, and ignoring evidence supporting causality. Few doctors and politicians are aware of the pivotal scientific fraud committed in the US Centers for Disease Control. A study of the MMR vaccine in black American babies showed a 2.5 fold higher level of autism in babies given the MMR vaccine at 12 months of age compared to 3 years. The CDC refused to publish these findings but manipulated the data to disguise the undeniable association found. The fraudulent data was then published (DeStefano F 2004 ) and promoted as the final statement on the question. Thereafter the official line was that vaccination did not cause autism. 5000 vaccine-damaged children had their applications in the Vaccine Court for compensation quashed after this deception. But [CDC] whistle-blower William Thompson released the true unabridged data which was published briefly until pressure from the CDC forced its retraction

​ — Hooker B 2014

A recent study of home-school students showed a 6.6 fold increase in neurodevelopmental disorders in the vaccinated group over the unvaccinated. Autism spectrum disorders were 4.7 times more prevalent in the vaccinated children

— Mawson AR 2017

So long as doctors and governments continue to be hood-winked into believing that vaccines do not cause autism, no action will be taken to stop the alarming surge in the autism epidemic. A tragedy that need not happen if we demand good science and safe vaccines.

Who is next?

Who is the next doctor to step into the light and tell the truth, regardless of the consequences?

“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them…”

In this case, “Arms” means the truth. Because if it spreads far enough, from many doctors, there will be an end to the high mounds of intentional lies that compose official science, which is fake science—designed to put children under the gun, under the needle.



Mandatory vaccination is premeditated murder. Governments stripping doctors of their licenses, for pointing this out, are complicit in premeditated murder. This could even be prosecuted under RICO law as conspiracy to commit murder one. In the U.S.A. we still have the death penalty for premeditated murder.

Internationally, mandated medical procedures are in violation of the Nuremberg code, it is in the very first line of the code, and are war crimes. War crimes must be prosecuted in the Hague.

For myself, I prefer self defense, by all means possible. As much as I think it funny to see these little Josef Mengeles die by lethal injection for their crimes, let the punishment fit the crime, I'd rather prevent the crime than try to prosecute it after children are injured or killed.

Any government that enforces mandatory vaccination is illegitimate, and knowingly murderous.

Let us pretend for a moment, that only one in 10,000 die from these atrocities. That still comes to a hefty 33,000 deaths in a population the size of the U.S.A. That is almost ten times the number dead on 9/11/2001.

You can detox from Vaccine injury. I think everyone who was vaccinated is injured but you can't easily tell the difference since you don't have a an unvaccinated copy of yourself.

I used the Detox Qube, expensive but it really worked miracles.

Yeah, I've been detoxifying by trial and error for many years now. I've got my brain back, and am physically healing. At least some of us have the chance to survive to detox.

Wow, that sounds pretty harsh, what happened?

I had a vaccine reaction (MMR) in seventh grade that caused blackouts, brain fog, and eventually I became very ill. I pushed through it, and thirty-five years later I'm relatively healthy, and have more clarity of thought than the whole time in between. I'm not sure the cancers were caused by the degradation of my health caused by the vaccine, but I'm sure it didn't help. I survived those too. The knowledge available to us is staggering. I've tried to only use health improvement methods that I can understand on the 'nuts and bolts' level of physics. The biochemical model is useful for many things, but seems to over complicate some things which are really very simple if viewed from the biophysics level.

At least it motivated me to educate myself to know what I needed to survive. Every experience can be beneficial if we take advantage of it as part of a learning process

Cool, have you written about it here on Steem?

I have not made an in depth post about it. I have discussed it mostly in conversations in comments. Parts of the knowledge that I used to regain my health I have made posts about. Healthy fats, glyphosate, detoxification, and some more. I will continue as soon as I have some time to continue posting.

You know you could grep your comments from the Steem blockchain.. : ) Are you in the US or Germany?

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