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RE: Witch Hunt against those who speak out about this common practice

in #health7 years ago

Mandatory vaccination is premeditated murder. Governments stripping doctors of their licenses, for pointing this out, are complicit in premeditated murder. This could even be prosecuted under RICO law as conspiracy to commit murder one. In the U.S.A. we still have the death penalty for premeditated murder.

Internationally, mandated medical procedures are in violation of the Nuremberg code, it is in the very first line of the code, and are war crimes. War crimes must be prosecuted in the Hague.

For myself, I prefer self defense, by all means possible. As much as I think it funny to see these little Josef Mengeles die by lethal injection for their crimes, let the punishment fit the crime, I'd rather prevent the crime than try to prosecute it after children are injured or killed.

Any government that enforces mandatory vaccination is illegitimate, and knowingly murderous.

Let us pretend for a moment, that only one in 10,000 die from these atrocities. That still comes to a hefty 33,000 deaths in a population the size of the U.S.A. That is almost ten times the number dead on 9/11/2001.


You can detox from Vaccine injury. I think everyone who was vaccinated is injured but you can't easily tell the difference since you don't have a an unvaccinated copy of yourself.

I used the Detox Qube, expensive but it really worked miracles.

Yeah, I've been detoxifying by trial and error for many years now. I've got my brain back, and am physically healing. At least some of us have the chance to survive to detox.

Wow, that sounds pretty harsh, what happened?

I had a vaccine reaction (MMR) in seventh grade that caused blackouts, brain fog, and eventually I became very ill. I pushed through it, and thirty-five years later I'm relatively healthy, and have more clarity of thought than the whole time in between. I'm not sure the cancers were caused by the degradation of my health caused by the vaccine, but I'm sure it didn't help. I survived those too. The knowledge available to us is staggering. I've tried to only use health improvement methods that I can understand on the 'nuts and bolts' level of physics. The biochemical model is useful for many things, but seems to over complicate some things which are really very simple if viewed from the biophysics level.

At least it motivated me to educate myself to know what I needed to survive. Every experience can be beneficial if we take advantage of it as part of a learning process

Cool, have you written about it here on Steem?

I have not made an in depth post about it. I have discussed it mostly in conversations in comments. Parts of the knowledge that I used to regain my health I have made posts about. Healthy fats, glyphosate, detoxification, and some more. I will continue as soon as I have some time to continue posting.

You know you could grep your comments from the Steem blockchain.. : ) Are you in the US or Germany?


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