"Why is a healthy physical body necessary for achieving realization/TrueLove?"

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Hi David,

I keep reading that you recommend that people take care of their physical bodies and not use drugs, be attentive to the people they have sex with, maintain a healthy lifestyle etc. But I don't understand the reason. If one smokes or has a chronic disease won't one be able to experience the realization or True Love (as you term it)? I don't understand the connection between the physical body and an issue that concerns the heart, that is love.




Photo by pan xiaozhen on Unsplash


Assuming that you already know that when I coined the term 'True Love' I meant more than meeting a mate and having a relationship with them, I would like to answer your question using a short story.

In a faraway kingdom, whose name and location are not important, lived a peaceful nation whose people were generally happy and content. They lived ordinary lives with ups and downs, happiness and sorrow, just like any other regular people.

One day, a rumor spread that the king, the ancient ruler of the kingdom, would come soon to visit his people and make his permanent residence in the palace that until then had been sealed. Upon hearing the news the kingdom was in turmoil. Everybody became very excited and devoted themselves full time to prepare themselves and their little houses for the king's visit.

The elders were responsible for repairing and arranging the palace and they got together to talk about all the necessary preparations. Since many years had passed from the last time the king visited the kingdom, let alone stayed in the palace - in fact, no one could really remember when such an event took place, nor did the history books contain any record of it - they didn't know what kind of furniture the king might need. In particular, they were confused about the king's chair. What size? How high and wide? Of what material? What color? And so on and so forth. Therefore, the elders' committee decided to ask whoever wants to bring a chair for the king to come forward and provide for its creation.

And so it was. On the day of the king's arrival, the many inhabitants of the kingdom gathered together to watch the mighty king enters his palace. More than anything they wanted to know which chair he would choose.

The king who was mighty and impressive (no words could describe how magnificent he was) entered the great hall of the palace. In front of him stood four chairs.

One was a common wooden chair, made of good quality oak.


Credit: dfs.uk

The second chair was a fancy red couch made of fine fabric and wooden engravings on its legs.


Credit: dfs.uk

The third chair was actually not a chair but a sofa. A modern style black wide sofa, well equipped to host the king and his entire entourage.


Credit: dfs.uk

The fourth chair was a piece of furniture one would have expected, because it was a king's throne, brought from the warehouse of a nearby deserted castle. The chair was made of lace, beautifully carved and extremely comfortable. Just imagine it. No picture.

The king gave a quick glance at each chair and immediately paced towards one of them, sat on it, made a sigh and smiled. Now, what chair did the king choose?

It's simple to answer. The king, being a king, naturally sat on the most comfortable, most beautiful and best-suited chair. How could it be different? For after all he was a king and as such would not settle for anything less than a natural king's throne. In fact, if he didn't have the best chair waiting for him he would probably be looking for another one and would not compromise.

You see, Danny, your body is the chair in the story. It is the earthly canister that must host your divine essence. If it is not perfectly ready for True Love, for hosting your divine essence, then your I AM consciousness will not choose to visit you. Simple as that.

You will end this life and return once again, another opportunity, to prepare the human-you to welcome the divine-you. After all, you have been doing this for hundreds/thousands of lifetimes already, so what's another one or two.

The question you should ask yourself at this point is this - do I want this lifetime of mine to be THE lifetime? The last and final lifetime in the cycle of birth-death, reincarnations?

Answer this and you will know the rest.



I enjoyed the story of the King. If you are comfortable, happy and in a good state then you will meet your true love. Thank you so much @nomad-magus for this enlightenment! ♥☺

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