What I Didn't Know About Gonstead Chiropractic Checkups! From Pain To Mood, The Nervous System Is So Important

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday my wife and I had a light-bulb moment. For those of you who don't know, my wife is a long term pain sufferer stemming from multiple falls and simultaneously, multiple medical conditions, the most significant of which are Lyme disease and endometriosis.

It's put us in a place of near desperation when navigating the medical system as a whole; something designed to ignore medical histories for the most part and prescribe harmful pharmaceuticals after a 3 minute consultation.


It was last Thursday that a colleague happened to mention to me the great success they'd had with three sessions at a Gonstead Chiropractic practitioner.

Bless you...

I'd said, thinking that my colleague had sneezed. No, Gonstead is actually a word. One I'd never heard of before. I looked it up.


From gonsteadseminar.com

Gonstead represents the ultimate standard in "hands on" spinal adjusting and remains the leader in chiropractic techniques. Adhering to the definition of true chiropractic as defined by D. D. Palmer, the founder of Chiropractic in 1895, Dr. Gonstead found there was no substitute or better method for analyzing or correcting spinal misalignments than with a pair of skilled chiropractic hands. This remains true today.

It's an analytical approach that focuses on root cause analysis of problems rather than a quick crack of the back, a slap on the bum and a "see you next Tuesday" which is the classical approach.

After some clever booking on my part, we were able to be seen for an initial consult just Yesterday. I was stunned. The lovely practitioner was warm and greeted us openly. She allocated an hour for our first session and most of that was taking a detailed medical history.

What amazed me from the outset was her interest in all symptoms, even the mental or psychological ones. She explained that she conducts her analysis in a holistic manner and everything is important. She continued to educate us and file away the burs of ignorance in terms of how we thought of the spine, brain and nervous system.

It's essentially crucial to how everything else functions in the body. Interestingly physical injury through the nervous system can result in mental symptoms and the other way around. A slip and fall on the tail bone can result in shoulder pain. It's all about finding the root cause. Even issues such as menstrual difficulty; something a traditional practitioner would simply throw hormones at, can be the result of skeletal misalignment.

Mind Blown


My wife's case was (and is) severe. They have an XRay machine on premisis and we had a number of images taken on the spot. These images confirmed what the practitioner had suspected from our discussion earlier in the session. Additionally, a small device that was run down the spine and deflected a needle as it moved was used as supplementary instrumentation. It apparently detects temperature differentials that assist in the diagnosis of issues.

From Wikipedia

The Gonstead technique is chiropractic method that had been developed by Clarence Gonstead since 1923. The technique focuses on hands-on adjustment and is claimed to expand "standard diversified technique" by implementing additional instrumentation including X-rays, Gonstead Radiographic Parallel, a measuring device, and the development of Nervo-Scope, a device said to detect the level of neurophysiologic activity due to the existence of vertebral subluxation based on changes in skin temperature.

As part of the same session, we learned that we were not sleeping in the correct orientation and that pillows should be used to support the legs when either laying on the side or the back. There's a wealth of information a good chiropractor can offer that can promise to improve everything from mood, to skin problems, vision, breathing, digestion, the works!

Then came a minor adjustment of the pelvis which had been apparently rotated for decades. A few jolts on the high-low and we were done. It turns out this alone was sufficient for some relief! There were pains that developed on the drive home in odd places, we were warned this may happen and it's a good sign. Then there was fatigue. When pressure is released the body can finally relax, again, a good sign.

All this after only one initial consult. We're booked in for more and I decided to have myself checked too. I'm really interested to find what may be impacting me and making things more difficult than need be. It feels like the beginning of an exciting journey to well being. We will keep you all posted!


I am looking forward to hearing more about this. Health care is so important and you are right, currently, you go to a doctor for a 3 to 5-minute consult and come out with a batch of prescriptions that will set you back money wise and health wise. An hour consult seems to be a start in the right direction!

Just what we were thinking @cecicasator! The consult started with her saying "there's no word limit in this software, I can write as much history as you want to give me, so start wherever you like"... very unlike a doctor!

She was also very good about expectation management, at the end making sure that we don't expect the world after one session. I found this to be rooted in reality also, and to be honest I've had the hopes up with our circumstances one too many times to hold unrealistically positive expectations . Will definitely keep you in the loop!

Wow, as an advocate for evidence base medical care I jumped in to read this one but I had not expected an in dept explanation of the importance of avoiding the reactive medical care. Sir, you did my work for me. Medical care should be based on evidence and not heart feelings. Sometimes doctors just rash to treat symptoms instead of taking time to find out what is causing the problem in the first place. I love this article and I wish your dear wife finally get better with this new care takers, I pray her pain goes away with this new doctors. I am doctor of laboratory medicine and it hurts me to hear people still practicing reactive medicine. I think I should publish a follow up this this wonderful piece. Perhaps if I do I shall let you know.

Thank you for your kind words @ehmkannde. It is incredibly damaging to the industry and to people's lives the whole reactive and symptom based treatment. Those rare practitioners who we've found such as this one who actually care about their work and about the patients they take on board feel equally tormented by the typical behaviour of their colleagues. I welcome a follow up piece and would certainly be interested in hearing further on what you have to say. Thanks again for the warm and detailed reply!

This is the follow up article to the article you shared this morning. I thought you may wanna have a look. I wish your dear wife a quick recovery sir. https://steemit.com/health/@ehmkannde/our-healthcare-systems-follow-up-to-nolnocluap-article-there-is-much-to-be-done

Great @ehmkannde, reading it now!

Yep things connect up sometimes weirdly as I keep explaining to people that want me to give them massages XD They're usually busily trying to tell me where it hurts while I'm working on where the problem is coming from (which usually doesn't hurt at all til I poke it and they suddenly realise just how tense it is).

So did you both get done that visit or wife first? Good to hear there was some relief on the first visit :D Yeh with these things (I don't know about this chiro method specifically but I've found when working on people) sometimes there's more pain for a little while after and then you feel much moar betterer. Hope a few ore sessions sorts her out :D


Hey @ryivhnn, I must admit I was unaware that you had such advanced skills in this area. Good on you! Thank you kindly for your supportive words. This session was all about my wife although I was asking lots of questions and was completely enthralled! So much so I booked an introductory session for myself for next Saturday. I'm really keen to learn whether there are areas of improvements for me. Thanks again for the wonderful comment!

Don't know about "advanced", I'm almost entirely self-taught :)

It does sound like these people really know what they're doing, hopefully there's lots of improvements in your near future :D


Thanks so much! Will be pursuing it further so we shall find out 😆

I come from Australia and physiotherapists there are very skilled at soft tissue manipulation and joint manipulation. I have been treated by them for everything from a painful neck to torn hamstrings with a lot of success. They can give siginificant pain relief after just one visit.

Hey @anthrovegan, yesterday we spoke about traditional manipulation with the practitioner. It's very interesting. What tends to be lacking is the know-how to not manipulate a problem area. In my wife's case, there were multiple issues identified that the chiro said she wouldn't be touching as she suspects that they are symptoms of the root problem and not the problem itself. By working on the symptoms you are only fighting the body's adaptation to a fault elsewhere. That identification seems to be a rare skill. Thanks for the input!

I know how difficult it can be to find a medical practitioner that can really address a problem once it becomes more complex. I hope this works out for your wife.

Our genuine thanks for your well wishes!

Sad, I feel sorry for your wife and I sympathise with your situation. Wishing her healings from above.

Lovely sentiment @izge, thank you. I too feel very sorry for her ongoing and largely unrecognized suffering. Your wishes are gratefully received.

That's wonderful. Glad it helping her. Sorry to hear that she's had so many different ailments. I've had my own issues over the last few years and it can be very discouraging trying to navigate the medical system to get the treatment you need to get better. Add on top of that the expense and the time to get to appointments and it can easily become an overwhelming weight. Again, glad that she's responding positively to the treatment. I hope it helps you too!

Thanks for sharing. I'm going to see if there's a Gonstead Chiropractor in my area.

Wonderful that this post may have given you a direction to seek @themanwithnoname... and thank you kindly for your well wishes and empathy. It is greatly received. You describe well the feeling of defeat that overwhelms you when trying to navigate the system that isn't designed to actually help. The time, cost and drama dents one's ability to fight on. I hope you're able to find some solutions to your issues too. Best of luck to you!

se te agradece mucho compartir este post con todos, estoy segura que sera de gran ayuda para los que sufren este tipo de problema de salud, con constancia y dedicación se logran muchas cosas , Dios bendiga a tu esposa , estaré muy al pendiente de seguir leyéndote, esperando que para tu próximo escrito sean mejores noticias sobre la salud de tu esposa, éxito en este nuevo tratamiento!

Thank you for such a lovely reply @delicarola. I look forward to your readership in the future. We appreciate your support.

I'll be following you in the search for the holy grail of sweet relief. I also suffer from endometriosis and chronic inflammation attacks brought on by a number of variables that doctors seem to think have no correlation which each other.

Hi @flaccidfervor, thanks for your openness and support. I feel for your suffering as I've seen it first hand. I'll certainly be keeping the community informed of anything that I find that can bring an improvement in the lives of those who suffer pain as you do. Best wishes!

Oddly, what is standing out for me in this post is your mention of your wife having Lyme disease. Coincidentally I recently met a woman who also had Lyme disease and she told me that it's not really recognised here so doctors aren't any help. She has been going down the route of changing her diet to try and get well and has improved so much over the last 3 years.

Thank you for sharing. It will be interesting to follow your progress.

My pleasure @minismallholding. Yes we both post about the Lyme. It's been our experience that the medical ecosystem has stuck their fingers in their ears and screamed "la la la la" because they just don't want to recognize that Lyme is incredibly real and incredibly destructive. I can't say we've achieved any palpable improvement over the years but know more about it and are much poorer for it too!

Thanks kindly for the support 😆

Sorry what does this mean @suparman?

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