Winter drink it with water, not only detoxifies but also lower blood lipids! Young and ten years old

in #health7 years ago

Autumn and winter have more than 10 kinds of detoxification little things, especially for autumn and winter to drink, buy a few dollars, not only cheaper, still very useful, hot water and drink on it, for their own health and family must take a good look .

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The first one: lotus leaf soaked in water (Lotus Leaf tea)

Main features: lotus leaf with heat and refreshing heat, clear summer dampness and health effects.

1, Drop three highs

Lotus leaf drink, on the "three high" that hypertension, hyperlipidemia, high cholesterol have a good improvement, and no side effects, suitable for long-term reference.

2, Clear summer dampness

After processing the lotus leaf flavor is salty, is cool, with a clear summer dampness effect, a variety of common diseases have a certain effect.

3, Health effects

Lotus leaf drink water on the liver, spleen, stomach, heart has a good health care role, the elderly can be him as a more suitable for everyday drinks.

The second species: salt water

Main functions: Salt addition to seasoning also has anti-inflammatory analgesic, calming skin care role.

1, facial oil control

Oily skin friend, add a proper amount of salt daily in the face wash, gently massage for a few minutes, have some improvement on excessive oil secretion.

2, relieve stomach discomfort

Gastrointestinal discomfort, drink a glass of salt water, saline will effectively dilute the stomach acid, inhibit intestinal bacteria groups, and soon you can relieve discomfort.

3, only nosebleeds anti-inflammatory

After epistaxis, cotton swab can be soaked in salt water into the nose, while drinking 1 cup of salt water, can play a hemostatic effect, and to prevent inflammation of the wound.

The third species: wolfberry soaked in water

Main functions: Wolfberry health function is strong, fill skin care, liver and Liver function.

1, prevention and treatment of diabetes

Goji can lower blood sugar, soften blood vessels, lower blood cholesterol, triglycerides, for patients with diabetes have a certain effect.

2, remove facial wrinkles

Wolfberry has a good anti-aging effect, often drinking water can delay facial aging, improve wrinkles. Goji contains rich polysaccharides, vitamin E, selenium and flavonoids on the skin antioxidant also has a very good help.

3, liver and liver

Lycium in polysaccharides on the liver has a very good protective effect, can reduce serum alanine aminotransferase, promote liver injury repair, so that normal liver function.

The fourth species: lemon soaked in water

Main functions: lemon VC content is relatively high, with antibacterial, improve immunity and so on.

1, prevention of high blood pressure

Prevention of high blood pressure: lemonade can relieve the role of calcium ions to promote blood coagulation, prevention and adjuvant treatment of hypertension and myocardial infarction.

2, sputum and more cough

Less well-known is that lemon can expectorant, and expectorant effect even stronger than the orange and citrus. Phlegm many friends bubble point drink it.

3, prevention of kidney stones

Lemonade contains a lot of citrate, can inhibit the crystallization of calcium salts, thereby preventing the formation of kidney stones, stones and even some patients with chronic kidney stones decreased.

5 kinds: mint soaked in water

Main features: Mint cool lungs, with refreshing, anti-inflammatory itching and so on.

1, relieve thirst quencher

Mint water is particularly suitable for drinking after exercise, a small cup can quickly quench their thirst, but can also help to eliminate the body of waste toxins.

2, facial acne

Peppermint is a unique variety of tea naphthol, which can improve facial acne. In addition, usually drink mint usually will be better to help recovery.

3, to prevent bad breath

Mint leaves, a healthy stomach to help digestion and promote metabolism, enhance physical strength, anti-longevity, heat and fatigue, and other effects, but also can prevent bad breath, especially bad breath and stomach caused by the odd effect.

Sixth species: chrysanthemum soaked water

Main features: Chrysanthemum with Liver eyesight, protect eyesight, detoxification anti-inflammatory effect.

1, prevention of colds, sore throat

Chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, jasmine bubble with drink, can be detoxification, can prevent wind-heat flu, sore throat, scabies, etc., drink more can be reduced fire, there is rather God meditation effect.

2, restore eyesight

Usually a cup of chrysanthemum tea to drink, make the symptoms of fatigue eyes faded, if you drink three to four cups of chrysanthemum tea daily, also help to restore vision, wexu often friends to try.

3, resistance to radiation

Drinking chrysanthemum tea in your daily life helps to prevent radiation, and office workers often facing the computer should drink chrysanthemum tea so that they can withstand the radiation of the computer.

7th species: honeysuckle soaked in water

Main functions: Honeysuckle with Shufeng itching, sterilization diuretic and so on.

1, wind and heat cold

External sense of wind or warm disease early, hot headache, upset and insomnia, Shen Shen tongue, throat dry mouth and so have a role.

2, itchy skin

Drink honeysuckle can eliminate itchy skin. For those who have dermatitis eczema ringworm friends, usually drink plenty of honeysuckle.

3, cure diarrhea

Honeysuckle on a variety of pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, E. coli, etc. have a certain inhibitory effect, cure diarrhea.

8th species: dandelion soaked in water

Main functions: rich in carotene and C, the beauty, eliminate inflammation have a good effect.

1, freckle spot

Dandelion contains trace elements can improve facial pigmentation. And then usually drink more dandelion will be more conducive to the disappearance of spots.

2, cure mastitis

Dandelion swelling and endocrine effect of lactation, mastitis is very effective, oral + topical effect is better.

9th species: American ginseng soaked in water

Main function: American ginseng has the function of nourishing yin and nourishing the nerves, and is suitable for insomnia, irritability, memory loss.

1, inhibit cancer cells

American ginseng can well promote the synthesis of various proteins, which has a very important effect on the improvement of body resistance, can effectively inhibit the growth of ai cells and play a role in inhibiting ai cells.

2, promote appetite

American ginseng soaked in water after drinking has a good appetite, if suffering from chronic diseases or gastrointestinal weakness, taking American ginseng has a very good therapeutic effect.

3, blood nourishing

American ginseng can also effectively inhibit the situation of atherosclerosis, but also can well promote the growth of blood in red blood cells, nourishing blood.

10th species: rose flower soaked in water

Main functions: Rose has a certain Slim Slim, skin tone role.

1, Slim waist

Rose tea worthy of the best tea, long-term drinking roses, greasy solution to reduce the accumulation of body fat, but also to supplement the plant fiber, so that the body gradually slimmer

2, detoxification to blackheads

Rose has some detoxification, long-term drink more delicate skin, facial blackhead will be less and less.

3, menstrual conditioning

Menstrual conditioning is a very important thing, should not be underestimated. Many women have dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation problems, by drinking rose tea, women's blood will gradually smooth, menstrual period common gloomy, uncomfortable, will greatly improve.

The 11th species: Luohan Guo bubble water

Main functions: Mangosteen has a certain degree of anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory effect.

1, pharyngitis

For pharyngitis and bronchitis friends, usually those who can spend Luo Han Guo flower tea, there will be a good improvement, 2 cups per day can be.

2, beriberi a

Regular drink Luo Han Guo can relieve the fungus caused by beriberi itch and onychomycosis.

3, bad breath

Drink Luo Han Guo to improve oral and esophageal environment, remove bad breath, bad breath.

Twelfth species: cassia soaked in water

Main functions: Cassia has clear eyesight, refreshing, enhance the role of memory.

1, the treatment of eye diseases

Cassia rich elements, with clear Liver eyesight role. Can be treated blind, head astringent, white film, eye pain and other eye diseases.

2, lower blood pressure

Many tea products have the effect of lowering blood pressure, cassia seed tea is no exception, the cassia drink tea can prevent high blood pressure.

Thirteenth species: Panax flower water

The main function: Panax Flower has some Shuqing Jieyu, the role of blood circulation.

1, Shu emotional Jieyu

Improve restlessness: Female bipolar disorder, restless, etc., with dates and licorice, wheat jujube soup, can play nourishing soothsayers, Shugan Jieyu effect.

2, to dandruff

Modern people because of the accelerated pace of life, it is prone to heart impatience, head itchy dandruff, long-term drink notoginseng tea, itching on the head oil, dandruff more than a good improvement.

14 kinds: Scutellaria soak water

The main function: Panax Flower has a certain solution to cold, improve the role of resistance.

1, sweating and more body

Often drink Scutellaria soaked in water, you can solve the deficiency caused by deficiency of Wei Wei caused by spontaneous perspiration, Qi external feeling Zhuzheng. More for the virtual table sweating, such as exogenous cold and sweat.

2, resist cancer cells

Related experiments have shown that the use of Scutellaria soaked in water will play a resistance to the body of ai cells, which is because the baicalin contained skullcap flavonoids play a role.

3, enhance immunity

Astragalus is rich in trace elements (such as a variety of amino acids, folic acid and selenium, zinc, etc.), Astragalus drink water can spleen Qi, Bufei solid form, but also enhance immunity, blood pressure, liver anti-inflammatory Role.

15th species: Hawthorn soaked in water

Main functions: Hawthorn has a certain appetizers fluid, lipid-lowering, diuretic laxative effect.

1, to promote digestion

Hawthorn nutrient-rich, rich in sugars, protein, fat, calcium, iron phosphate and vitamin C and other nutrients, after eating Sheng Jin appetizers, help digestion.

2, lowering blood pressure

Hawthorn has a good lipid-lowering effect. Hyperlipidemia people can drink hawthorn appropriate bubble, there will be a great help.

3, diuretic catharsis

Hawthorn bubble so there is diuretic laxative effect, so people who have constipation can be appropriate to drink a little. However, if the stomach itself, such as gastric ulcer, it is best to drink less.


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