Long Healthy Life

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Do you have bad habits, unhealthy diet or fat? You can stay healthy and live longer just following one rule. Don't eat meat.


Fibonacci salad

Frequently eat fruit and vegetables. Even far better, don't eat meat and productions of animals at all. Except honey.


Yes, vegan diet can truly help you. Please don't compare diet and veganism with politic, spiritual, religious or marketing ideology or propaganda. No, this post is not propaganda itself. Today, people eat meat even more than ever. Fifty five years ago, having a meat 2 days in a whole week was a blessing. Today, ohh... We eat meat from young ages, we didn't bothered what It was exactly. But after studying it, comes to thinking. Eating meat, egg, fish and drinking milk, yogurt is eating particles of cancer and drinking particles that keeps them growing. That is fact and it's true. By biological and psihological needs, fruit and vegetables best suits for human body. Our teeth, hands, alkaline urine in biology proofs that. Meat industries are covering it up with marketing, corruption, believes and tradition. I personally don't mind that people consume meat or they should stop. Why to rise up prices of veggies ;) (Even if price of veggies rises, 3D printers, self-roboted garden will helpback.)and that caring person for "climate change, global worming" (Because he/she saw zoomed in graph with scale of 50-100 years before 2017. Graphs bit zoomed out, obiouvsly shows just a little amplitude peak from many other peaks. Peaks before are even worse.

At first I was sceptic about veganism. Frequently common questions. How will you get muscle, Vitamin B12, iron, ... All can be get somewhere, you can find it all around us. Vitamin B12 can be consumed even through skin, swimming or washing hands in the lake. Some plants has protein. Bla, bla,... Vegan diet successfully helps people to lose weight, even to "stoneskin" loose dried skin. Water, veggies helps almost all the way. If you have digest problems, try raw vegan or even fruit shakes. Eating fruit helps you clean up your digest system of red "long-boiling" meat.

Why does egg companies can't label their product "healthy eggs"?

Why always fresh, free-wild or "half-caged"? In USA law forbids egg companies to label their products of eggs as nutritious or healthy. Everybody stated that people in Okinawa, live longer but still eat meat. Yes, that'is true. They are fish-meat eaters. Healthier than all eater, but unhealthy to vegetarian and vegan. Today, people in Okinawa eat far more unhealthy than before, because of inserting new trends in food marketing.

Allergies can be worsen with meat. Almost most problems, from the health matter is ruined by meat. It's already studied and proven.

Vegan diet to "Superhuman". Facts.

  1. Antioxidants slows aging. Cares for your DNA to replicates successfully and keep you look young.
  2. Vitamins and minerals improves mood, energy and
    immune system.
  3. Vegan diet decreases intake of (cancer) particles.

More proof?

Dr. Michael Greger wrote the book "How Not To Die". In video below Talks at Google, Dr. Greger explains how cancer is made and how it grows.

Credits: Talks at Google, Dr. Michael Greger / How Not To Die

I wanted to write the truth. If my informations can help to save a life, it was worth it.

Track your Nutrition, Fitness % Health Data for FREE on this website or you can download app for iOS, Android.

CronoMeter is website that lists fruit, vegetable and meat with percentage of vitamins, minerals, calories and other substances. (link below)



Thank you for reading and support.

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