
Heard that! How have you been? I've been busy trading. I am 0fficially a Forex/Crypto-Trader/Invest0r ;)
Take my advice! Use some of your Forex profits and use that towards Crypto. See Crypto as Stock-investing. And these c0ins are MUCH better than Stocks(obviously).
You can really make a fortune trading The Best 0f B0th W0rlds(Forex/Crypto)
Crypt0 is EASY. Research a promising c0in(s), buy & hold, and then wait for them to p0p checking the charts daily to see where they are @. It's that $imple ;)
I turned $30 into $200 the other day trading U.J. and it gave me a sense of power once again. I am getting closer to my preferred trading capital. I was too lazy to check the Crypto-Markets the day I made the $200 but had I did, I would 0f put that $200 into XEM(NEM) c0in and that $200 would have been $1000 + within a short period of time. But I was late to the party and when I did catch a dip, it was too late as my money was still in my trading account and bitcoin transactions are currently slowed ;(
My time is coming VERY soon ;)
My trading all started to change for the good a little after starting to write back & forth with you ;)
Better DayZ Coming!

I've put some of my forex profits into SP and I'm nearly 10K SP now, but I try to earn Steem by blogging rather than buying it.

I remember you telling me of this but there is A lot m0re money to be made by diversifying your Crypto. It's a MUST @this point while all promising coins are dirt cheap right now. You can put $50-$100 on each one and hold for less than a year and in return giving you more money to trade with 0r whatever it is your heart desieres!
Forex/Crypto is a Secret Weapon indeed ;)

The @mindhunter investment Trinity is: BTC / XRP / STEEM :)

0k there you go! That is all needed. If XRP surpasses Bitcoins Market-cap, this will be so HUGE! Just 4rm me hearing of XRP since '2014' to now being @the t0p 0f the thrown. MAJOR!
Take care @mindhunter ;)

I've taken so much forex profits from the banks, so I gotta give em' some frickin crumbs ... frickin' Ripple crumbs! LOL! Steem on brother @tradz!! :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64015.61
ETH 3429.88
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54