Ways To Control High Blood Sugar

in #health6 years ago (edited)
Managing your level of sugar or glucose is very help important for our general well-being. Blood sugar or glucose means the amount of sugar that is in your blood stream.


Source: Pexels

It should be controlled adequately because low blood sugar i.e hypoglycemia is bad for the health as it tends to decrease your energy, increase your level of eating, cause headaches and dizziness and in some serious situations, it may lead to low of consciousness. And also having high blood sugar i.e hyperglycemia, is bad for the health as it tends to cause fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, loss of concentration, weight loss and in some chronic situations it may lead to damage to blood vessels, nerves and even organs and lead to diabetes.


Source: Pixabay

In this article we are only going to be looking are ways in which High Blood Sugar can be controlled, so here are some tips and they include


Exercise have numerous health benefits and controlling high blood sugar is one of the many. Exercise involves activities which works the muscle cells which helps t take in glucose from blood for energy which is use for the exercise, hereby reducing the level of blood sugar in the blood stream. It advised that to manage your blood sugar you should be exercising on an average of 150 minutes per week.


Source: Flickr

Eat Fiber-Rich Foods

Fiber Foods possess many nutrients that helps to protect us against diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart diseases and many more. Fiber foods such as vegetables, legumes, nuts and many more helps to regulate the body's sugar, it act as check to blood sugar.


Source: Wikimedia Commons

Sleep Adequately

Many people don't really know how important adequate sleep is for our general well-being. Sleep plays a role on our appetite, level of hunger and blood sugar, reason being that, inadequate sleep tends to change our glucose metabolism and hunger hormones, and as a result of that, our appetite is increased and our cravings for sugary snacks is greatly increased, which in turn would lead to increase our level of blood sugar.


Source: Pixabay

Balance Your Meal

Adequately pairing your meal such as pairing carbohydrate with protein foods would help reduce the tendency of high blood sugar. Always try to eat meals that have a portion of carbohydrate and protein, and vegetables, it would go a long way in controlling your level of blood sugar.-justify">


Source: Wikimedia Commons

I hope you found the article interesting and informative

Till next time guys

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Keeping ourselves fit is utmost important and exercising and taking balanced food is very important.

Thanks for providing some details on this.

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Wow I didn't know of esteem surfer for desktop. that's so awesome.

Thanks for coming around @coolguy123

Thank you for sharing the informative post bro. You have to be balance in every thing to control the sugar. Keep excerise daily to be feet and fine.

Thanks a lot for reading through and giving this lovely comment @sandeshsharma

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