How to brainwash the populace?

in #health6 years ago

027F6977-CC32-4006-A32A-073BD008E659.jpegI’ve been watching one hour of tv a night lately (I don’t own one myself & haven’t watched one in years)

I watch to accompany an 86 year old man that I help out...

If the commercials are not about dairy, dead animal eating, or chemical laden pizza pops, than it’s about a harmful / suppressive medication / pharmaceutical to deal with the effects caused from eating that harmful crap...

We have heartburn, erectile disfunction, acne, wrinkles, depression, poor vision, dry skin, yellowing teeth, bad breath, body odour, insomnia, grey hair, etc... all products created for the majority of humans that eat foods (meats, cows milks, eggs, grains) which degenerate the body, destroy kidney function, damage cells, create excess mucus & acids which results in all these health issues arising on the outside...

Humans are taught that these symptoms are normal, no big deal & that there is something for you to take to counteract your poor diet that comes with a long list of side effects...

When I watch TV now, I literally feel like an alien on a planet where I don’t belong, this is insanity, this is crazy, this is out of control....

The commercials are advertising pharmaceuticals to suppress the symptoms the individual experiences for ingesting toxic foods - which gives the individual the illusion of feeling better...

But in reality, they just harmed their health even further...

treating symptoms will get you nowhere...

We must address the root cause in order to heal and this can only take place with removing ALL harmful foods from the diet...

healing & getting well through detoxification is no joke, it’s the only chance we have with getting well & if your only doing it half way - meaning eating a bunch of fruits & healthy foods but still ingesting bread or cheese sometimes, your body will not be able to remove the old stagnant waste out until all new waste is removed entirely....

If your one of those people who state that they love eating dairy & dead things more than anything, don’t complain & learn to enjoy pain & inflammation....

I can see why people are allowing these toxic foods in their bodies, these commercials are brainwashing & programming the masses with beautiful looking people, experiencing disease while advertising more disease..

It makes thinking for oneself difficult...

These commercials paint a shiny , happy world, where poor health is normal & glorified while providing a quick fix for anything associated with listening to their advice....

It’s all an illusion, there is no such thing as a quick fix...the deception is real....

Mariah 🍎Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self


Although it seems the tv hasn't hurt the 86 year old you look after that much, I'm joking but in all seriousness the words of David Icke sprung to mind whilst reading this....... 'the greatest hypnotist on planet earth is an oblong box in the corner of the room, it is constantly telling us what to believe is real'

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