Cures and treatments for whiteheads, blackheads, and acne.

in #health6 years ago

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Today everybody shares an equal awareness towards the better look. Who wants pimples and acne on their face, do you? Nah! Not even me. But what need to do if you get the pimples and acne? Let’s talk about it.

What is acne?

Acne is a skin disease which appears when hair follicles are stuffed with oil and dead skin cells. Due to this, it gives rise to the other skin disease like blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples which conventionally appears on anyone’s face, upper back, forehead, chest, and shoulders.

Acne seems to be one of the major problems of the teenagers through the people of all the ages are caught in its trap. I think everyone among us would have faced this at one point in time or the other if that is a guy or a girl.
What is it causes?

The main reasons which lead to occurrence of acne are:-

  1. Oil production in excessive rate
  2. The presence of oil and dead skins at hair follicles
  3. Due to bacteria Propionibacterium acne.
  4. Due to excess activity of androgens hormones.

And the other factors due to which acne is caused is the use of some specific high chemical cosmetics and some other facial products, due to elevated humidity and excessive sweating.
When the follicle wall is swelled, then it leads to the appearance of whiteheads and blackheads.

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How to treat your acne?

It’s not that difficult to get rid of acne. Let’s put a glance over it.

1. Improve your lifestyle:

At this point, everyone seems to compromise their comfort and therefore can’t give enough time to sleep for at least an eight hours which is prerequisite. Since the competition is reaching the sky, so it’s complicated to maintain it.

Do the best thing that one can do is to abstain themselves from popping pimples if you do then take a pledge from now onwards that you would never do it.

2. Your pores should always be open:

If you want to get rid of the acne and don’t want the whiteheads and blackheads to appear on your skin, then make a point to make the pores of your skin to be open.

Always be gentle while scrubbing your face, don’t be harsh on them and try to take steam for at least 1-2 times a month. It not only opens up the pores but increases blood circulation as well.

3. Depletion of the Bacteria:

The bacteria need to be treated very well. Because sometimes you might get rid of the acne, but after some interval of time you will find them popping again. Quiet frustrating right?

It is just because you are only taking the treatment of the acne but not the bacteria. So consult a proper doctor and tell them to not only treat your acne well but it’s bacteria as well.

4. Toothpaste the ultimate savior:

I think most of you would be aware of this toothpaste magic, don’t you? Well yes, it does remove your acne and you can apply it over your pimples and can see magic what it does in overnight.

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I have acne scars on my face.Thanks for sharing information.This will help me alot :)

Nice to hear that my article is helpful for you.

This is interesting... it helps me so well. Thank you!

Ohh great

Upvote from me. I hope for reciprocity

This is very very good.

Thanks for this post...I in particular have been informed. My teenage brother has pimples on his face and it has really been bothering him....I'll follow your instructions and hopefully this worry would end.

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