What Happens #6 : When you start exercising!!

in #health7 years ago

We have all heard about the benefits of working out and have at many times decided to join a gym, a yoga class, a dance class or any other class for that matters. But admit it many of us have failed miserably in our quest for fitness.


But what is important is not giving up once you begin cause in this day and age when most of our lives are confined to our office cubicles it is imperative that we should do some kind of physical activity to keep our self fit so that we could continue our cubicle life :P.

So let us see what will happen if we actually start working out :



The moment you start working there is an immediate fight-flight response, which will have instant positive effects on the brain.

As we exercise the blood flow will increase to our brain which makes us more alert, aware and awake. So it basically works as coffee without the caffeine!!

Exercise releases the epinephrine hormone, which makes us motivated, blocks pain and makes you smarter immediately. Not Einstein level smart but still its worth it !!

If the exercise includes weights then your muscles captures and stores glucose, which is really good if you are a diabetic or pre-diabetic.



In the initial days your body feels sore and stiff and you are not able to do even the simplest task like washing your face cause your hands dont have the strength to splash water on your face.

This happens because when that when you do something you're not accustomed to, the body goes into a repair process and there is inflammation that is natural and normal as the body repairs.

But your body is an amazing machine and it adapts extremely quickly.

You will notice when you workout the next time, you are able to push yourself further than you did the last time.

Meanwhile, your body will start to mobilize its fat stores immediately to start reducing body fat.


Now one week has passed and you are getting committed to your routine and your body is coping up with the workout. You feel less tired after your workout.

The mitochondria in your cells proliferate.

"The mitochondria are the energy factories of the cell, which makes you fitter so you can produce energy more efficiently

"It's also beneficial for cell health – it makes them more resilient and helps them remain healthier for longer. There's also increases in enzymes involved in producing energy for muscle contraction."



After a month, your strength and fitness will start to really improve and you'll start to see measurable changes in muscle cells.

Your nervous system is much more efficient at being able to contract your muscles.

If you look at the muscle cells under a microscope, you see the slow and fast twitch muscle fibers are getting bigger.

It means you are laying down more protein into your muscles, and you start to see your metabolic rate increasing so that even when you are asleep you are burning more energy.

You'll also notice day-to-day living becomes a little easier.

You'll be able to climb stairs better or get in and out of the car more easily.

You'll be a bit fitter so will be able to work at a higher intensity, lifting heavier weights and running, rowing or cycling at a higher intensity, which can increase the feel-good endorphins filtering into the brain.



After half a year working out, your muscles will be visibly bigger and noticeably more efficient, meaning you'll enjoy better endurance.

Meanwhile your heart will actually have increased in size.

In response to all the fast pumping and stretching it has been going through, your heart has grown and has become more efficient.

Your resting heart rate will also have decreased, which means your heart is able to pump more strongly and eject more blood with each contraction so it doesn't have to contract as frequently.

As a result, you'll reduce your risk of a heart attack, and even if you did have a heart attack, it won't be as damaging so you're much more likely to recover more quickly.



After a year, your bone health will be significantly improved.

In general it takes around six months of weight bearing exercise before you can see measurable changes in the skeleton.

Then you start to see an increase in your bone density and by 12 months, you see people who are osteoporotic return to normal bone health, and that's massive in terms of reducing your risk of fracture."

Your mental health will likely have also stabilized after one year.

Very large systematic reviews indicate that appropriate exercise is more effective than cognitive behavioural therapy in reducing anxiety and equal to or better than pharmaceuticals for certain types of anxiety.

But perhaps the best thing that will happen after maintaining exercise for a year is the fact it will have become a solid habit.

When you don't exercise you feel terrible.
It's a good addiction because these are natural drugs and by 12 months, you are pretty well hooked on these drugs.


So if you read the complete article which I am hoping you did and you have made it all the way to conclusion then either you workout like it is a religion or you are ready to take it as one.

You read about all the benefits of working out aside from the fact that it makes you more attractive which is a huge bonus in itself.

So don't wait and adopt a more healthy lifestyle and workout daily and see your life improve.

I hope you liked this article and if you did then please upvote and if you want to read more helpful articles like this one then you can check my other article :

What Happens #5 : When lightening strikes you!!
What Happens # 4 : When you are in Love
What Happens #3 : When you quit smoking !!
What Happens #2 : When we have sex !!!
What Happens #1 : To our body in space !!

Follow me @man-d


So after one year, we need to still keep working out regularly for maintaing the fitness ?! 🤔
Illustrations are very appealing...
Keep posting 👌☺️

@teenz well you dont need to work out after a year but it will happen naturally cause working out will become part of your lifestyle as I have mentioned
Thanks :P

Wonderful post as always @man-d. Upvoted and resteemed :)

thanks @pinkpanther :D

thanks for sharing @man-d im always following ur post

thanks @jodipamungkas.
I hope you like what i post.
Steem On my friend :)

ur welcome @man-d i like ur post ^_^

im gaining some weights right now
i really need this.. thanks for sharing! :)

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You are welcome @deism12.

Thanks for sharin very good post

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