in #health7 years ago

"Sugar is the most dangerous drug of our time."
-- Paul van der Velpen
head of Amsterdams health service


The Drug Of Choice…

When people think of addiction they inevitably think of drugs like opiates, cocaine, alcohol.., even caffeine -- of course the list goes on… But rarely do think of -- SUGAR! Yes, kicking that sugar addiction can (will) cause withdrawal symptoms very much like the ones experienced from hardcore drugs -- WTF?!

And also like hardcore drugs such as cocaine and heroin, sugar stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain… And much like a drug addict, there are people out there that actually fantasize about their next sugar fix… By mid-day those sugar cravings can be intense that you actually need that sugar fix -- you feel tired, your body is crashing from that last dose of sugar you in the morning, no doubt with your morning bowl of cereal filled with milk. Most breakfast cereals are made from processed foods which almost always contain sugar… Many food producers are aware of the brains addiction to sugar and are adding even more sugar to their products… And the milk you put in that bowl of cereal has 13 grams of sugar per cup!

"Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine. And what's interesting is that while cocaine and heroin activate only one spot in the brain, sugar lights up the brain like a pinball machine." -- Dr. Mark Hyman

But the main source of sugar for most of us is -- soda… Soda and even those "sport" or "energy" drinks are by far the biggest culprit when it comes to sugar consumption… Sure sugar can supply you with some energy, but so can alcohol. And much like alcohol, we don't need sugar. If we need glucose, one of the two molecules in sugar, our bodies will supply it, your liver will make it. And the other molecule, fructose.., is completely useless…


Sugar spikes the release of dopamine in our brain.., over time and more and more sugar, we need more and more sugar to stimulate the release of dopamine to obtain that "sugar high." And when we don't get it, that's when the withdrawal symptoms kick-in -- lack of energy, mood swings.., and even depression. All that sugar is robbing your body of vitamin B, which is a mood enhancing vitamin…

"Our body craves what is in our bloodstream. Wheat, sugar, alcohol, coffee and de-vitalized foods are designed to be addictive." -- David Wolfe

Dangers of Sugar

Many health professionals are convinced that sugar, in all it's sweetness, is the devil in disguise… Sugar leads to inflammation, which is the cause of most chronic disease. And the obesity problem, that is evident, has less to do with the consumption of fat then it does the amount of sugar we are ingesting, on a daily basis…

The obesity rate has doubled since the 1970's to a whopping 35% of Americans and the UK isn't too far behind at 25%, the highest in western Europe. Because of the amount of cheap sugar (fructose).., the level of obesity has sky-rocketed… Here in NYC I get disgusted walking around town, trying to squeeze past all these fat, really fat (obese) people. I live just off Times Square, one of the most visited tourist destinations.., and I see whole families from all over the world -- that are obese!

I understand it can be difficult to stay away from junk food.., food filled preservatives and sugar with temptation lurking around every corner, to satisfy that sugar craving… Plus, what chance does the average person have going up against the biggest food companies in the world… Government has sold out the health of the population to these companies.., and almst depends on the people getting chronic disease, so they can cash-in on your health problems -- after all, the health industry is a huge part of the economy.


Sure people have a choice whether or not to eat junk (sugar).., but when 90% of the items in your grocery contain all this crap -- what choice do we really have… I and many people live in urban areas of the world, where it is unrealistic to grow your own food… And many don't have time to look through all those unreadable labels on every thing they buy, especially when some of these foods falsely claim to be vitamin and nutrient packed…

A Few Other Dangers Of Sugar

•   Rots your teeth
•   Raises your blood sugar level
•   Contributes to obesity
•   Is addictive (almost as much as drugs) 
•   Can create the urge to binge
•   Provides 'empty calories' with no nutritional value
•   Contributes to diabetes
•   Robs your body of minerals
•   Robs you of energy
•   Contributes to heart problems
•   Can cause cancer
•   Contributes to ulcers
•   Can cause gallstones
•   Promotes wrinkling and aging skin
•   Makes your blood acidic
•   Can lead to osteoporosis
•   Can suppress your immune system
•   Raises the level of neurotransmitters called serotonin
•   Weakens eyesight
•   Sugar can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels)
•   Can cause aging20

And besides the weight gain, unwanted cavities and all the typical things we attribute to sugar.., Harvard Medical School says -- a sugar laden diet may raise your risk of dying od heart disease even if you are not overweight. I mean, just one can of soda puts you over the daily recommended amount of sugar… 25,000 people die every year due to sugary drinks -- just drinks, not cupcakes and candy…

"Taking in too much added sugar from highly marketed sugary foods and drinks displaces healthier foods in our diet." -- Chuck Norris

Look, it's not stupidity, laziness or even ignorance that is making everyone obese.., and worse contributing and even causing chronic disease -- it's addiction! Im no conspiracy theorist or anything like that.., but if believe that cereal you are buying, in the box that claims to be healthy for you -- you are dead wrong -- DEAD WRONG. You are being lied too every time you visit the grocery store.., and it's criminal. And yet, some people call it capitalism.., or let the buyer beware -- BULLSHIT!

Image Source: 1 2 3


I totally agree, sugar is deadly!

And I have a sweet tooth. :/ Candy and chocolate chip cookies are my addiction. I never buy either, because I have little self control with them in the house! Instead I sometimes buy dried fruit, like prunes (don't eat many!) or cherries. I feel the fruit sugar satisfies me enough, and is less deadly than candy and cookies, maybe!

It's a killer...
It's good to see you have made some good changes.., fruit is definitely better!

Yes. Sugar was discovered to be toxic in 1826 due to experiments on small animals where it would cause tumors and/or death! Best to (choose to) stay away for higher and better quality nutrition intake and lifestyle.

So many people think it's just bad for your teeth and weight.., and are unaware of all these other dangers. It's amazing we've known for so long!

I stopped eating refined sugar and refined fast foods. I went back to basics, "keep it simple," whole foods. My fibromyalgia is in remission, I lost 50lbs and haven't gained it back. My cravings went away after a couple weeks.

Ah.., a wise woman. What you have done is not an easy thing to do -- well done!

Thank you, my family thinks I'm crazy, but I'm active, happy, and very creative. So I don't care what people say, if this is crazy, I'm happy to say I'm crazy Grandma, I can out hike my grandkids, 7-12 years old.

fantastic post

And they managed to blame fat for so long. Even now they blame it for all the health problems we are having. Some of those low fat foods in the shops are so gorgeously loaded with sugar and preservatives it's horrifying

It's like they have NO IDEA what they are talking about.., and yet they set the standards -- CRAZY!

"Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine. " - explains why food manufacturers largely ignore healthy, natural alternatives to sugar like stevia. Only when the average consumer wakes up to sugar's danger (and this does slowly seem to be happening) will they change their ways.

They actually try and disguise the amount of sugar in their products, knowing they are so addictive...

Sugar is pretty much poison.

You said it!

I agree that we eat too many sugar and a lot of processed foods have too much sugar. But comparing it to cocaine and heroin it is an insult to the millions of deaths caused by this two substances.

Believe me, Im not trying to insult anyone... I've known more than a few people who's lives were ruined by cocaine and heroin and have seen it's devastating effects...

I recently read that sugar can actually do more damage to our arteries than the bad fats we've been told to avoid, increasing our risks of heart disease and strokes. But as you've said, it's in everything! And so hard to cut out.

As a diabetic. I agree. Gymnema Sylvestre is the sugar destroyer. It works. I got sugar out of my diet and weight lift 3 times a week and eat mostly vegetables life is good. I can attest that Cancer loves sugar along with acids.

Sounds like you're on the right track...

I've definitely heard that, too @redhens

I am one of those addicts and it's the worse drug ever ! BTW Are you feeling better already ?

It's a tough habit to quit, that's for sure... Im doing a little better, thanks for asking!

Slowly slowly I am changing that horrible habit. Good to hear you are back on track

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