in #health7 years ago



Chances are if you've eaten today.., your body has been subjected to more than just a few extra calories… Our bodies are under attack from the very food we eat -- GMOs are no joke.., and starting in the 1990's they were introduced into the food supply. GMOs involve replacing or adding genes from one organism to another in order to add a trait (such as drought resistance) or to remove an undesirable trait (such as premature ripening). And while companies like Monsanto, Dupont, Bayer, Dow Chemical, Syngenta continue to profit.., we are left holding the bag…

From behavior, health, attention… children and all of us are literally being attacked by our food. We have become to accepting and too comfortable with this current environment surrounding our food supply. Nobody expects this from the food they are putting in their body everyday.., and you don't even know it, because lobbyist for these bastards (oh, I mean companies) are constantly lobbying (putting pressure on/buying) our crooked, spineless politicians -- not to have to label GMO food.

The undeniable fact is that GMOs are bad for our environment, our food system, and the people in it. Heck, they were never meant for human consumption, they were for research purposes only… That was until a few of the bastards (oops, I mean companies) saw dollar signs and a chance to capitalize and monopolize a brand new industry.., and the dangerous, toxic chemicals they use…

These shady group of characters claimed GMOs would:

•   We need them to feed the world -- BULLSHIT
•   We need them to solve nutrition problems -- BULLSHIT
•   They're better for the environment -- BULLSHIT
•   GMO crops are just like naturally bred -- BULLSHIT

What's crazy is..,we inherently know something is not right in the land of GMOs, our bodies should not be ingesting "Genetically Modified Foods" -- they even sound spooky. Even without all the science (not the science for hire), it seems like common sense -- not to fuck with nature… Nature will take care of itself, it has for quite some time without the aide of toxic chemicals. This is not theory, either.., it does not require costly scientific testing -- just eat something healthy, organic.., something not processed, with no GMOs -- and you can feel the difference yourself. Your body can feel the natural relationship we have with food and uses the nutrients as it was intended…

The outright fraud that exists today, from the financial markets to politics is one thing (we're used to that).., but the arrogance these companies display, thinking they can control nature is despicable. And this protocol followed by the massive trillion dollar food industry, pharmaceutical industry, healthcare industry plays right into our whole broken system -- it gets you sick and keeps you sick. It's like one big cartel built to make massive amounts of money, off of sickness and death.

GM crops.jpg
(why is he dressed like that, handling CORN…)


BT Toxin -- bacteria -- constantly reproduce the BT toxin. When the bug eats the corn -- its stomach explodes and it dies… The corn is so toxic it is registered as a PESTICIDE.

Roundup Ready (Glyphosate) - can spray as much Roundup as they want on the crops and they won't die.., everything else around the crops dies -- bugs, plants, worms, good bacteria.., anything alive dies -- there is run-off. With around 5 billion pounds per year of Roundup being used, you bet your ass there is run-off.., and whole list of other problems that come with that…

And you can't wash it off. I'll say that again -- YOU CAN'T WASH IT OFF!

So we are ingesting, through the food the government says is A-OKAY.., a chemical in Roundup called Glyphosate and it is something the body should be ingesting… It goes right to work weakening our immune system -- it destroys the good bacteria in our gut that is the foundation of a healthy immune system.

Why do you think the probiotics are flying off the selves.., it seems everyone you know has a digestion problem -- nobody took probiotics 30 years ago, they probably didn't know what the hell they were.., now there are primetime commercials aired daily, all set to take advantage of and make a buck off the fact we no longer have enough good bacteria of our own -- we have to buy it. So, if you are eating a Standard American Diet.., you should probably add a probiotic to your shopping list.

We can't produce tryptophan, without tryptophan we can't produce serotonin which we know regulates mood.., but it also regulates insulin and with our insulin being unregulated -- boom diabetes. Diabetes is off the charts, we spend 279 billion a year on diabetes.., in another 10-15 years all the money we put into healthcare -- the entire budget, will be used up by just diabetes.

There is also evidence this nasty chemical (Glyphosate) is also breaking down the blood brain barrier, allowing toxins from all sorts of things -- vaccines, PCBs and environmental, to seep in… Instead of our body defending itself against such things, we are left defenseless and bombarded by dangerous toxins.

Desired Trait -- the 3rd GMO is a promoter… These promotes wakeup latent genes… We all have latent genes, like latent cancer genes that are inside of us and can remain latent…, but with the introduction of GMOs and Glyphosate these dangerous chronic disease genes could be woken-up -- and just like diabetes, cancer is also off the charts.., it is the number one killer of children. 1 out of 2 children has some form of chronic disease -- and this was not the case 30 years ago.

Unfortunately, these companies hide behind technicalities and bought and paid for science. But thanks to the MOTHERS of the world, people are being woken up to the fact, our children should not have so many health issues with no answers -- only the symptoms being treated. Due to their persistence, they are informing the rest of us of the dangers of GMOs -- the real life dangers, unfortunately, from personal experience.


It can be challenging to avoid GMOs.., even if it has that USDA ORGANIC label, there is still a chance it has GMOs -- besides the GMO lobby goes to great lengths to get that organic certification.., and why not, organics are huge business… What really sucks is most people believe organic is non-GMO.., and are buying organic to avoid GMOs.., and we still get screwed.

"Americans don't know if the food they eat has been genetically modified. People have a right to know what they are eating." -- Bernie Sanders

To be as sure as you can be, without growing your own -- food needs to be labeled 100% Organic or the non-GMO project label.., those two labels are guaranteed to contain no GMOs. Your beef should have been fed 100% organic feed or better yet, grass fed and finished. Fish -- only "wild caught."

Stay away from: soy -- tofu, tempeh, and soybean oil.., radicchio, beets, Hawaiian papaya, zucchini, yellow summer squash, corn -- corn muffins, fresh corn, high fructose corn syrup.., canola oil, aspartame -- a sweetener and found in many protein powders. alfalfa -- even organic has a good chance at containing GMOs, conventional processed foods, any conventional product that contains sugar, fructose, dextrose, glucose -- stick with 100% sugar cane, it was too complicated to genetically modify.., and buy organic rice.

Chronic disease is commonplace.., but that is NOT normal… It's not just whether your diet is adding a few unwanted pounds.., it is destroying your health. That bowl of Kellogg's Corn Flakes you have every morning is doing nothing for you except, adding to the list of things making you sick. What's even worse about Kellogg's, in particularly is.., they only use these dangerous chemicals in the US, not Europe.

And they can kill, too… The giant biotech company Syngenta covered up killing four of its cows, after they ate GM feed for only two days. The Institute of Science and Society found 1800 sheep reported dead after chowing down on Bt (GMO) cotton crops and ill workers and dead villagers have also been reported.

When you sit back and look at the big picture surrounding our food industries -- it can be quite discouraging, the darkness that has stifled any humanity is blatant. Instead of a natural symbiotic relationship to food, we have been surrounded by a bunch of parasites living off our life blood. Sorry, if that sounds harsh, but we are systematically and intentionally being made sick.., and they are getting away with it scot free -- just like our financial institutions!

Image Source: 1 2 3


You're being ironic, right?

Ironic about what in particular?

damm they can kill too omg !!

Yeah, they are linked to all kinds of chronic disease, too!

Well written piece!! it's all about the $$$$$. Cancer rates, ADD, infertility, and all kinds of digestive issues have been skyrocketing. Hmmm I wonder why?!?! U nailed this one!!

Thanks... It is definitely a sad state of affairs!

@macksby, you are completely right on with this post and I"m glad to word is getting out about how dangerous GMOs are! The owner of Patagonia says that our biggest risk at this point is our food sourcing which is unbelievably dangerous.

I heard 2 great food thinkers talking a few days ago about another really dangerous aspect of GMOs that is completely untested and a complete unknown - they are releasing several kinds of bacteria into the environment and they have no predators! And we all know what happens to species when put into a context with no predators...they become invasive and take over. Who knows what could mutate and reproduce from them. Truly frightening. ANyway, how's that for some positivity;-)!

Yeah.., there are a lot of people out there sounding the alarm bell about the danger of GMOs and the Food Industry, right now. It's just so blatantly obvious money and profits are more important than life!!! How's THAT for some positivity... :))

LOL!! We're just rays of sunshine the both of us :-)

It's worth griping about for sure, this is really of the essence these days and 99% of people have no idea that most of the food they eat does them more harm than good.

I check all my labels...and I am surprised at how many products are GMO! Thank you for posting. Resteemed.

Look for that "non-GMO" label. Yeah, about 75-80% of your average grocery store has GMOs... THANKS!

It makes me so angry that I have to pay so much more money for my food just to be sure I'm not being poisoned by it!

I hear ya.., I just paid $5.99 for one red pepper -- $5.99!

Food security and safety are often raised especially for genetically engineered products that make the vegetable crop larger than usual, but at the same time raises questions about how safe this food is.
The US government funds a lot of genetically modified foods to keep them at a reasonable price, such as corn, wheat and soybeans.
What is more complicated is that there is a lot of evidence that these foods are full of fat and high carbohydrate, which is the main cause of today's diseases, in addition to red meat, which makes the US Department of Agriculture recommends continually reducing the intake of red meat in the diet.The food industry has an army of lawyers and scholars who aims to discredit, conceal, or prosecute those who have studies, theories, or guidelines that contradict their beliefs, and that industry relies on the ignorance of consumers who rely on some of the views that determine what they eat Of food.

Crazy.., isn't it!!!

Excellent article on this complicated subject.

BT Toxin

It's even worse than that. The Bt gene can change the gut bacteria, by way of lateral gene transfer, and turn the gut bacteria into Bt pesticide factories.


stick with 100% sugar cane

Organic sugar cane sugar is the way to go. Even though sugar cane is not GMO, glyphosate is used on sugar cane, in a ripening/harvesting process known as 'burning'. This process kills the plant, and triggers the process of the plant re-purposing all of it's energy and resources toward the making of seeds and the making of the sugar in the plant. The glyphosate is absorbed and ends up in the sugar we eat.

It is just maddening, that they do this to our food -- and are allowed too!!!
Thanks for the informative comment... Stay Healthy!

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