Week 1 Intermittent Fasting Journey

in #health7 years ago


I received tremendous response from my first post about the intermittent fasting journey I am taking and thank you for the encouragement to do this. Here I am , today is the 7th day and here is an update from it.

Also, for those of you who are considering in going through the same journey, feel free to use #intermittentfasting so we can check each other with our progress.

How is My Journey going so far?

I've been on a constant move for the past 5 days and it's been quite difficult to keep everything on check. For the most part, I felt an improvement with my overall well-being. Not only that, I finally have a fixed eating schedule which is quite huge change to my daily life.

I had one cheat day, which was two days ago when I was hanging out with my cousin and was eating way past the schedule. Also, my adoptive mom was always trying to make sure I eat something and that's been the biggest temptation since I was here. Anyhow, I don't plan on staying for far too long and will be back hitting on the road this weekend.

Who couldn't resist the temptation of coffee with ice cream on top?

There were numerous questions I've received on my post about my meal plan but to be fair, I eat anything I want. The only difference is that, I only eat at a certain time which is from 12 to maximum 6 pm.

What kind of foods do I eat?

From day 1 to 2 I was still eating snack bar for my break fasting. Then, I started going out, where I was eating steak and croissant. Then, there's bunch of local foods I ate which was decent enough. Although, If I am back on the road, my main meal will only be snack bar and bread.

Do I miss Coffee?

I do miss coffee a lot.
Especially, it's difficult to find a good coffee shop that serve mild coffee like I used to have back in my city. This is a problem whenever I am on the move as not every place has a good co-working space. Sometimes it takes more than a week to find a suitable ones and that's when I have to say goodbye.

Last but not least, I am happy of how my body is getting better and I finally manage to have a scheduled eating time. This is still week one, I've had my ups and downs even a cheat day where I feel guilty as fuck. Anyhow, follow my journey and wish me luck for the next 21 days.

Do you want to join us in this challenge?

Well, I know this sounds to be difficult for most people but if you have a messed up eating schedule like myself this could be an alternative way to keep you alive. Check out the main source of this challenge through this Intermittent Fasting Taking The Challenge





congrats on sticking to it. (mostly :P) i still don't get the whole coffee thing.. it seems to me (from my own personal experience and from other proven sources like this bodybuilder on youtube who shows how he cuts bodyfat to get ready for a show) that coffee is one of the best zero cal drinks.. the other one being tea, or just water.. it fills up the tummy while it does have a good taste so ur brain thinks it is getting fed, plus it has caffeine (or not, if decaf is for u) and can really give u a boost. I say try and make coffee your breakfast and really eat nothing until ur scheduled time.

It's also that u are NOT making ur body work most of the day by processing food. and it's the amount of calories.. plain and simple.. and handful of peanuts might have the same number of calories as a cookie, but ultimately, its the number of total calories that u are limiting by only eating within a certain time period.

yeah.. :)

I don't think I could join that challenge. Sometimes I don't eat breakfast until noon but that's about all the fasting I can do. lol

Good luck on your journey. Quick question: are you only drinking water during your 18 hour fast?

I don't know, that thing doesn't look extraordinary appealing to me.
Today I had a chunk of bacon boiled with sour cabbage, potatoes and beans in a raging red pepper... What a delight...

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