Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized Milk: The Benefits and the Politics

in #health7 years ago

Raw milk is milk from cows, sheep, or goats that has not been pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria. This raw, unpasteurized milk can carry dangerous bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria, which are responsible for causing numerous foodborne illnesses. 1

That statement is directly from the U.S. Food and Drug Adminsitration’s website. Now, before we become upset and work to rebel against what the government says can be harmful to us, let’s analyze some facts.

Is raw milk dangerous to consume?

I am not familiar with Listeria, but the other two harmful bacteria Salmonella, and E. Coli have been in the news on several occasions and have been the reasons for food related illnesses. You can find stories from Chipotle, and Wendy’s for example. Thus, ignoring the possibility of the risk is not a wise direction to take.

between 1993 and 2006 more than 1500 people in the United States became sick from drinking raw milk or eating cheese made from raw milk. 2

That statement is directly from the F.D.A. as well. Though, if you do a little research on that number, and compare it to other food items it is kind of silly. 1993 to 2006 is a 13 year span, and averaging the 1500 people estimate comes to 115 people a year. There is an outbreak within the last month of Papaya containing Salmonella in the Northeast United States. Those estimates are currently at 47 people sick from the bad Papaya.3

What we don’t hear is a call for Papaya to not be sold in stores. Like any outbreak we have in lettuce or berries, we deal with the situation and remove the contaminated food. Why is it then that raw milk is so heavily regulated, and is a catalyst for fear mongering?

My background

Before we answer that question, I’ll tell you why I am skeptical and have two feet firmly planted in the raw milk is better camp. I grew up in a farming community, and both my wife and I have uncles that operate dairy farms. The funny thing is, I didn’t drink raw milk for years. It was easier for us to purchase milk at the store with the rest of our groceries, and not bat an eye. The motive to change came when myself, and a few members in my family, started having troubles digesting pasteurized milk. Being the health nerd that I am, my research began in earnest when having milk with my cereal became a smelly experience later on.

My research uncovered the power of food based enzymes. Each food we eat contains the digestive enzymes necessary to break that specific food down. For example, lactase is the enzyme in milk that aides the body in breaking down the components of milk. However, when we overcook our food we actually destroy the enzymes it holds.

Processing any food heats it above a level where the essential enzymes are kept intact. Pasteurizing milk is commonly done at a temperature of 161 degrees Fahrenheit. Although it is not for long in order to retain as many nutrients as possible, it stills destroys many of the enzymes needed from that milk.

An apt comparison is the treatment of chemotherapy for cancer. Chemo destroys the cancer cells growing in the body, but it destroys the good cells with it. Pasteurization will remove potential bacteria like Salmonella or E.Coli from the milk product. However, you are guaranteed to lose the enzymes and positive gut bacteria that naturally occurs in raw milk.

Now that we have some background, we return to the question I posed earlier. Why is raw milk so heavily regulated, and a catalyst for fear mongering?


Like most government control related questions, I think the short answer is money and power. There are a lot of middle-men between the farmer and the consumer. You have the trucking company who picks up the milk, the processing company, the packaging service, and finally the marketers who coordinate orders with grocery stores.

Unless you are in a manufacturer to consumer friendly state, the dairy farmers have a hard time keeping up with the inflation of their expenses compared to the inflation of their product. My mom’s family, run a non-organic farm and receive around 70 cents per gallon of milk.

”If it would jump 50 cents a gallon on the shelf, it will make a huge difference to us. It’s too political. We make good money at $4.40 a gallon. [We] borrow money like it’s goin’ out of style when it’s $3.70 ish.” -My cousin, Andy Brechbill

The biggest culprit to these issues is the government. In the midst of working to keep prices low for the consumer, entrepreneurship is squashed by regulators, and special interest groups. They are another entity between the farmer and the consumer receiving their cut.

”The price of milk, on the other hand, is decided by regulators using complicated formulas. They set one price for wholesale milk used to produce ‘fluid’ products another for milk used in making cheese. It’s a ridiculous game up catch-up, in which the regulated prices never change as fast and efficiently as they would in a market, one buyer and one seller.”4 –John Stossel


Drinking raw milk does expose you to the possibility of Salmonella, and E. Coli. Drinking pasteurized milk exposes you to proteins and fats that the body does not have the capability to process. Consumers ought to have the option to choose.

There is too much government involvement in something that is cut and dry about the issues. You can check out websites like realmilk.com to see where the current legislation battles are, and to find a local store or farmer in your area that sells raw milk products.

The market has responded in recent years with Cashew milk, Almond milk, and Coconut milk. This is a good thing. While it may draw demand away from Dairy milk, the conversation has started about why people are becoming sick from the Dairy milk and useful alternatives are becoming popular.

Personally, I enjoy Almond milk but I drink raw milk because of the protein, probiotics, and calories. I am one of those individuals who needs to eat to keep weight on. I gained 12 pounds of muscle in a 2 month stretch by drinking a half gallon a day - it saved me buying multiple cases of protein powders.

Thank you for visiting.alt text me for more great content.

Image Sources: 1-2

Video Source: Raw milk raid


Government causes more illness and death by several orders of magnitude than does raw milk. Maybe we should ban the government before it kills again.

Raw milk is the only milk that doesn't make me sick.

Haha, logical conclusion.

As it is in my family.

Just finished your article. Nice to see another raw milk advocate! :)

Thanks for you comment.

I know some kin that had never had pasteurized milk. They lived on the farm and I would hear how the cream would rise to the top. I was also taught to not try to milk the bull!

Mmm, yes, that cream is excellent with coffee. Lol, that is a wise move. 😄

We had dairy goats for one year and we drank the most wonderful raw milk! I know it was such a blessing to our children and to their health. The goats foraged from around our property from a huge variety of plants. Although we never had it tested, I am sure that that milk had some of the highest contents of minerals and possibly vitamins then we have ever Drank in milk before. It was during that same time, that I first saw milk at less than a dollar a gallon in an Aldi store. It rocked my mind. I just couldn't believe it!
The only other reason that store-bought milk can be so cheap, is because of the subsidies of the grains that are the main food for the dairy cows. But do not provide the most nutrition to be passed on into the milk. So basically when you buy store-bought milk, you are drinking and giving empty nutrients and empty calories to yourself and your children.

Now, why is raw milk dangerous? When you have unhealthy, malnurished cows, the instance of infection is greatly increased. I WOULD NEVER drink raw milk from a large commercial operation!
But I would drink raw milk any day and every day from a producer who I could visit and see their animals and they're milking process. There is almost no danger at all in this situation, when it is from a healthy animal, clean milking practices are done, and it is put into Refrigeration Within 45 minutes.

Sadly, we had to move into the city and get rid of our goats. And it breaks my heart that we are feeding ourselves and our children that low-quality pasteurized milk that I despise. At least my wife make some of it into yogurt herself, and that reintroduces some beneficial enzymes and bacteria.

That is quite the story! I agree with you on the grain subsidies. It is sad to see something so harmful be incentivized.

Hopefully, you guys can find some local milk soon!

Yes, thank you!
I know there are probably sources .....cost is the biggest issue right now. And I am working hard to make that NOT be a limiting factor.

You can do it!

"Drinking raw milk does expose you to the possibility of Salmonella, and E. Coli."

Likewise, living does expose you to the possibility of dying. ;)

Thanks for a great article, Lydon. It's a double header; you point out the great benefits of fresh, raw, natural milk while simultaneously revealing the perfidious, life-sucking destructive cronyism of human government... :D



Haha, there is that. ;)

Thank you, I do work to write a balanced but certainly biased piece of work. ;)

You got my upvote for drinking half a gallon a day. That's a lot if milk!
We have the same issue here in the UK in terms of milk pricing except that it's the supermarkets that dictate the price.
On top of the regulators interference.
Dairy farmers here are going bust.
At least the small producers are.
They are making less money than it takes to produce and are being bought out by bigger dairies.

You could argue that in a free market. The weak get destroyed.
Fact is. It's not a free market.
Raw milk is probably even more regulated here than there.
Personally I've never seen it for sale?

It sounds more regulated over there - crazy.

My uncle had to keep growing his dairy in order to stay in business. The small dairies in his area could not keep up with costs if income fluctuated too much.

It's pretty dire over here. So many farmers are losing everything!
I'm sure back in the day when just about everyone owned a cow. They drank it raw. Makes perfect sense to me.

It is a similar story here.

It makes sense right? I know it made a difference for me and my family. Keep it simple as they say. :)

I am used to drinking almond milk, soy milk and coconut milk because they have a rich content of antioxidants and essential minerals such as potassium and calcium.

Thanks to its delicious flavors and lower calorie content, it is an excellent substitute for cow's milk.

In addition, they have a rich content of E vitamins, a natural antioxidant that can prevent cancer and slow down the aging process.

That is some valuable information. Thank you!

That was really interesting thing you talked about

Glad you found it interesting. :)

I cook the hell out of everything and drink pasteurized milk every day - I have no opinion on this topic but you made some good points - but I like what I like and am unlikely to change now. People around here have died from Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria and I am no risk taker - just ask creatr or @awgbibb. I'm no fool, no siree, I'm gonna live to be 103, cause I play safe for you and me, cause I'm no fool . Yeah, kinda sad, but I think you know me by now LOL!!

Lol, we know each other at least a little! 103 it is, taking note of that. ;)

well, if I don't make it, you can blame it all on Louis Pasteur - and BTW, don't come to a BBQ at my house unless you like everything well done :)

Oh, Louis..... well, I eat my meat any way it comes, but Abi would have a problem with well done. :)

but unlike Trump, don't eat my steak with catsup - ketchup, for you Americans :)

thanks for this healthy informations mate

You're welcome!

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