A Cure for Cancer?

in #health7 years ago

I’ll start off by saying that I am no doctor. There are no letters after my name and I did not go to school for nearly a decade to learn the art of being a physician.

What I am is observant. I’ve watched people change their diets, eat more alkaline based foods, and supplement with oxygen - the results are astounding.

The simplicity and complexity of the machines we operate must not go unnoticed. Our bodies are built to heal, and when they receive the right fuel they can beat back any attack.

This is the most succinct and honest clip that I have ever seen discussing what it takes to beat the worst of diseases.

Again, I am no doctor, but this man is and what he talks about in this video makes perfect sense with my experience.

I pray you won’t discount the principles that are mentioned here and think about how to apply them in your own life.

If you have a loved one that needs some hope, maybe this video is the hope they have been praying for.

Image Source: 1
Video Source: A Cure* item


I eat Whole Foods, lots of greens and red meat for the heme, I’m not afraid of natural fats, eggs, and salt. Oxygen therapy and vitamin C, I’ve heard about that therapy, but don’t know a lot about it. An interesting note, all meat eating societies get most of their nutrients from fresh animal and fish...


An interesting note, all meat eating societies get most of their nutrients from fresh animal and fish...

Reading that article reminds me a lot of the Atkins Diet principles. Aside from overcooking the food, and less Americanized meat consumption of course, lol.

I was looking forward to hearing your perspective. :)

I am on the iPad so my comments are limited....if I stay away from grain, sugar, booze, and processed foods I’m healthy and happy, my dad died from chemo not cancer...his gut was totally destroyed and he starved to death. This was back in 1965...chemo hasn’t changed but now the more enlightened doctors have introduced pro biotics ....

Interesting note about meat eaters hunter gathers and gut flora and fauna


the more enlightened doctors have introduced pro biotics .

Interesting, had not heard that before.

I know we say all the time that we are what we eat, but this article hits home with the study on gut bacteria. Wow...

A bit over fifteen years ago, the medical/industrial complex killed our grandson with the horrendously destructive "bone marrow transplant" approach to cancer. They completely destroyed his immune system.

It broke my heart that as a mere grandparent, I had no legal authority to step in and redirect the treatment. Seeing how that was done is one element in my history that makes me such a vehement enemy of the state.

Thanks for sharing this vital information.



And thank you for sharing your story. Your stances make much more sense knowing there was a dearly loved family member involved in the mess that is the medical/industrial complex.

This book dives deeper into the idea; it is written by scientists and backed by experimental data. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0041D843M/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

Dives deeper is right, lol. That looks like a superb study on nutrition.

Totally agree, I haven't had cancer but I have had other health issues that were cleared up totally once I switched to a healthy plant based diet. Same with my mum who had chemo but she was on deaths door until we changed around her diet too. The issue is like you mention at the start, because you aren't a doctor (who only get trained by the pharmaceutical companies) your opinion is worth nothing to the average Joe. Very frustrating. Thanks for voicing this important topic.

Thankfully, more and more truth is coming out, and stories like your own are reaching the people who need them. Thank you for sharing your history, @tonysayer33. The stories of regular people sometimes speak louder than anything else.

Most of the people I have known who have cancers are being able to heal themselves just by believing that they can heal, changing their diets, having self-discipline as well as keeping the faith. I guess that's still the best remedy.

Amazing what a change of diet and belief will do for healing the body.

Our minds are very powerful if we only knew how to make the most of it. This is what I am trying now in order to fight anxiety and depression. :)

Really interesting to see this.
I have read about an article that says that cancer is as a result of the deficiency of vitamin b17.
Dont really know how true that can be.

I Will try and do more research about the therapeutic claims in that video clip....thanks for sharing

This documentary is a bit longer to watch, but it discusses the science of Vitamin B17.

Thanks for sharing this, was really interesting

I just hope we discover better ways to treat cancer than chemo. Sometimes the solution is worse than the problem.

Quite true. Boggles my mind the amount of side effects to prescriptions on the market.

well even renowned doctors can't help much but you are doing your best to guide us so big thanks to you for sharing this :)

You’re welcome! May it be useful to you. :)

i will share it with those who are suffering from it who know it work for them and they will give you blessings :)

Thank you. :)

you are now on the way of becoming a helpful doc for sure :)

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