Morning Stretching - Habit For Successful Day!

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Creating a habit of morning exercise will wake up your body and provide you to be active and productive all day.
It has been proved that only 5 minutes of morning exercise can speed up the metabolism, improve your mood and make you feel happy and energetic.

I'll show you some stretching exercises that can be done for 5 minutes after waking up.
By creating a habit of performing these exercises every morning, you will start to feel better, energetic, satisfied ... all day!

Exercise 1

From lying on a side, stretch out your hand to the other side, and again go back to the starting position.

The same move repeat 10 times each side.

Exercise 2

Lie on your back and bend your legs at the knee. Turn your knees to one side as shown in the picture.
Make a move with a torso like in the picture for a few moments and then again lie on your back and repeat on the other side. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 3

Lie on your back and lift one leg like on the picture. Hands are stretched out at shoulder height.
Catch the foot and stretch the legs.
Stretch for a few moments and return to starting position. Switch legs and repeat on the other side. The exercise is repeated 10 times.

Exercise 4

From the starting position like in the first picture in a circular motion stretched out body. The movement should be slow with an aim to stretch your spine.
From the position of the push-up, drop your hips to the ground and lif legs up.
Raise your hips up and go to the starting position. Repeat exercise 10 times.

Exercise 5

Rely on the one hand while the other hand is raised high. Stretched hand grab the opposite foot and stretch for a few moments. Make 10 reps with each hand.

Thanks for reading, you can follow me here for more interesting articles: @luka.skubonja


Good ideas here. Will use these in some of my team training & mobility classes in my gym. Daily routines are crucial to better health and stretching, breathing and SMR are all part of that routine. Well they should be... :) Never too late to start.

Yes I agree. Thank you for your comment @sebastianjago!

Great article like always Luka !

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