4 common meditation mistakes (and how to solve them)

in #health6 years ago

Do you make these common mistakes during your meditations?

Find out how to prevent and dissolve them to get more out of your meditation.

1. Sit down

My meditations have become so much better as soon as I saw this.

When I started with daily meditation, I just sat down. And after a while I became restless. I did not feel like it anymore, got up and continued my day.


That does not work. Because this unrest is precisely what you want to overcome in your meditation. Behind that unrest lies the calm that you desire.

I got the tip to always sit down with a timer. And to meet with myself to sit until the timer goes off.

Whatever happens in your head. No matter how much you are bored and how much you want to stop, you will sit until the timer goes off. This will help you quickly overcome your impatience.

2. Choose the wrong posture

When I lie down, I fall asleep. Nice, but not the kind of meditation that I'm looking for.

Meditating in the wrong attitude does not work. You get pain, your leg goes to sleep, you feel uncomfortable and want to stop. Find an attitude that feels right for you, even if it is different from the traditional meditation posture.

I notice that I meditate best when I put something under my buttocks. My favorite position is sitting on a yoga block, with my legs along my body and my toes backwards.

Find an attitude in which you feel good, and where you find yourself making progress. Even if that attitude is unusual.

3. Let yourself be carried away in the rabbit hole

As soon as you 'stop thinking' your brain is running - you can wait for that. There are thoughts, and often you will notice that you are being dragged along with these thoughts.

This is the rabbit hole. The one thought drags you into the other thought. And before you know it, you spend ten minutes developing a project plan. And you come out of your meditation more tense than you went into it.

You will think, you will be carried away. But try to be alert. As soon as you realize that you are thinking, bring your attention back immediately to your breathing.

You stop the rabbit hole and come back in the moment.

Breath in breath out. In out. In out. Simple.

  1. Expect all kinds of miracles
    Meditation brings you all sorts of good things. But most results are small and subtle. Like your car feels after he has had his MOT. Everything runs a little more smoothly, there is less resistance.


But as your trusted hatchback does not come back as a sports car. So your meditations will not suddenly change everything.

One day it goes great and you feel super calm. The other day you have the idea that it was of no use. And that's how it is.

Expect progress, more peace, clarity, love, productivity and mindfulness. Do not expect spiritual enlightenment.

Every meditation is one stone. Lighting is the Mont Blanc. And if you keep stacking enough stones, you will come naturally. But do not be disappointed if you do not see dramatic results after a week of meditating.

Give it the time. Do you feel impatient? Fine - go meditate.

I found the inspiration for this blog on beterleven.nl
and other sources I used : health.com


too nice post sir...its helpful for me... I will be aware next time... but I couldn't continue my meditation for long time.. what should I do?

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