My Fitness Journey Blog (Half-Way There/Body Fat %)

in #health7 years ago

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If you guys followed me on Instagram and looked at my description for this photo I just want you guys to know that MOST of my facts on it is totally WRONG. I thought the information I wrote was true but I guess the only part was true was in the "Before" I weighed about 200 pounds and in the "After" I weighed about 175. If you guys read further you understand what I mean. So in the "After" side of the picture above me I thought I was in much better shape closer to being toned/lean/fit but I later realized I still have a long way to go.

I thought my body fat percentage was like 20% little more or little less but I realize the device I was using below this sentence is a LIE!! Somewhat kidding. The thing was this device is not the most accurate in measuring body fat percentage.
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The picture above this sentence with the numbers the green and the red ACTUALLY shows what my body fat percentage looks like. This is a DEXA scan and it cost about $45. Pretty much I make an appointment online and go to the place. The place turned out to be a like a huge bus where you go inside lay down face up on top of a machine and let the machine scan you from top to bottom. This is much different compared to when I was holding that device with two hands and my arms stretched out in front of my chest. This DEXA scan takes the highest amount of body fat but it is the most accurate out of all the body fat scanners. To keep it simple I am going to round it out and say my body fat percentage is 30%

How did I react to the REAL result? I felt like crap and I felt good.

  • I felt like crap...because I had a really long way to go. From the "Before" and "After" photo I lost 25-30 pounds but I STILL have to lose another 25-30 pounds to get into that lean/toned/fit look. Before I took the DEXA scan I knew deep down I STILL needed to lose a lot of weight but I really needed to see the results in front of my face. Looking at the high number "29.4%" made me feel like I was still obese. I guess I am obese...on the inside.
    Sadly this is my actual body fat percentage in my "After" side of the photo. I can't imagine what my body fat percentage was on my "Before." It makes me feel so sad that I have to go through so much just to look good while so many people are easily born with it.

  • I felt in relieved/happy/some adjective that describes something positive because I have so much more room for IMPROVEMENT. Plus it makes my life story more interesting so that I can inspire a few people. Once I achieve my goal of getting my body fat down to 10%-15% I can finally brag to people that I have lost 50-60 pounds. I know for sure my face will FINALLY look defined when I get to my goal and that jawline will definitely show.

Once I reach my goal (10%-15% Body Fat) I will weigh around 145-150 pounds. Right now I am 168 but its only a matter of time.

How much visceral fat I have:
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Pretty much I have about 0.8 pounds of it. They say visceral fat is the number one testosterone killer for men over 40 and they also say the less visceral fat the better.

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For the next upcoming blogs I will post more blogs going in-depth with my motivation and the real story of how I lost so much weight. Stay tuned! See you in the next blog to hear more about my fitness journey!


You can loose weight in no time eating only fruits and vegetables diet. Check raw food recipes and try to have your most meals that way. It helps me whenever I want to diet. Also healthy and you get enough vitamins and energy. Dried nuts, green tea. And cut sugar out of your diet.
Well I am not on Instagram, but I will follow you here to check your updates. Good luck :)

Thanks for the support!!! Appreciate it!!! While I'm not vegan I try to get as much fruits and vegetables as I can depending on whats in my house since my parents buy the food. But yes vegetables did help me a lot on my diet and it contributes a lot in my "Before" and "After" photo.

I am also not vegan, so I eat very rare meat or fish. And as you said if someone else is preparing the food you dont have always the choice. What helped well was the blender. Putting different fruits in it and making different smoothies and juices. They make me full and not even think about sweets because they are already sweet.

Thats a great idea but i really need the protein if you see in my picture im only 116.6 pounds lean and i need to make at least 15 pounds of muscle.

Hi there!

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