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in #health7 years ago


There are many fake foods out there that we easily identify and can avoid like cereals, snacks, sodas, etc.. But there are some stealth fake food items that you may not know of... buyer beware!

Hang on, this will make you cry

These are not snack items, they are staples and culinary delights!


Yup sad to say many Sushi selections are not what you think they are. An independent organization (Oceana) traveled sushi restaurants in the big cities... only to find that the fish served was not always as labeled.

They found mostly that the Salmon, Red Snapper and Groupers were some other species... probably due to the high costs of these fishes, they are substituted for profit margin (yes even in the pricier and reputed Sushi restaurants). And in fact the fish tested, could not even be identified... now isn't that special.

Parmesan Cheese?

Not the block (as pictured) you shave yourself, but the name brands. The FDA investigated and found these already grated cheeses had less expensive cheeses added (again for profitability) as well as wood pulp (yes you read that correctly, like powerade drink with wood resins in the ingrediants). In fact even on block cheese read the ingredients, if they do not have Parmesean as the only ingredient... well then it may not be.


Yes unless you buy the whole beans and grind them yourself, or get coffee at a reputed coffee house, you may be getting a mix of coffee and other grains. It could contain, wheat, barley, chicory or even plant fibers. If your brand is weaker, that may be a clue... and what is in those little Keurig pods, who knows?


Champagne Grapes are only grown in France, the Champagnes from other regions (like California), is not real Champagne... it is just a sparkling wine. Now not that those Non-Champagnes (or other foods) do not taste fine, they are simply not real... you are being duped through false and/or misleading labels (companies).

Fruit Juices?

Fact is that most packaged fruit juices are cut with cheaper (boy is this a recurring theme or what?), juices such as apple juice. Again reading the label to find out the percentage of the juice you are buying... for me even 85% of a juice in a drink makes it just that a "DRINK" not a fruit juice. And of course check the other ingredients, you may be surprised!


Geeze is nothing sacred?! Did you know that the FDA does not regulate Honey... this is odd as the over-regulate all else (there are no rules, guidelines or regulations on what can be called honey). Yes honey is an abused product for profitability much like other products. Many (especially name brands again are cut with high fructose corn syrup), yes it may taste good but you should know what you are eating as well as spending your money on. Again read the label as although not regulated, they are required to list all ingredients on the label.

Jamaican Rice?

Jamaican Rice is shipped to many countries around the globe, US and European Countries included. Now this is maybe the greatest fake food of all time as it is part rice and part plastic. No get this...it is packaged in large bags, mixed in with real rice.... but the plastic rice is sprayed with an artificial spray that is scented like rice... a double whammy on ya! Some has even proven highly toxic! Is this the only rice like this????

This is not a complete list

There is also the Olive Oil scandal in prior years ( one Steemit user posted: https://steemit.com/food/@resilientd/eating-fake-olive-oil ), and many many other so called "foods" out there.

As always read the labels and don't shop for many foods in the aisles of your market, stick to the perimeter for real foods.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: wikimedia, nbcnews, huffpost, iacpublishinglabs, healthworks, dailyhealthpost, chefandsteward


Scary stuff. This is the reason people get sick...they are not eating real, whole food. How is this legal?

Pay the right people and anything is legal.

Ha! Sad, but true. Hopefully people will educate themselves and start shopping smarter. If the big food companies are not getting our money, they will have to make changes. Scary stuff.

So many companies and tv ads advertise false information , these things are actually bad for our health and they make it seem like it's good for us, the best thing to do is mostly advice eating from outside , always do your research before buying and stay healthy

I enrolled in a co-op for the local organic farming... but it is only seasonal here. But I always shop organic and only on the perimeter of the stores.

I used to buy most of my food from Trader Joe's which is organic , after reading this , I'm about to go back again

Ah, but both Trader Joes and Wholefoods also sell non organics and fake foods... just read the labels, can't pronounce it or your have a question on an ingredient, put it down and choose something else.

Roger that 👍🏼

OMG i never knew about these thing's i will not take care before eating these.

There is so much more out there that is fake in some way... just keep reading those labels.

i always prefer to read about health issues, upvoted, thank you for sharing

There is nothing more important.

yeah health is wealth indeed

@kyusho! Thanks you for this useful information! For fake rice, I heard there are so many fake rice product in Vietname! So be careful with that!

Unfortunately finding real food is getting more difficult.

Very helpful article for the helthly life.. i really appreciate your post.. i don’t know what to eat now...? There is imported plastic rice available in my country.. very sad story..
Upvoted and resteemed your post..

You are not the only country... as @measbong said above, Vietnam also exports fake rice... it is the time of great deception we live in.

That is a very useful article! Thank you very much for sharing with us!


A pleasure as always.

I need some coffee with honey! Miammm

Some staw and additives with that.

Thanks for this information.. I didn't knew about this .. I will take care ..

Nice post with very useful article about healthy foods...
This is very useful to all guys...
I think We always try control our mouth...
Wel done my dear friend @kyusho
Superb work
Upvoted and resteemed

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