
in #health7 years ago


Plan to thrive and maybe survive.

Wikipedia: A fail-safe in engineering is a design feature or practice that in the event of a specific type of failure, inherently responds in a way that will cause no or minimal harm to other equipment, the environment or to people.
A system's being "fail-safe" means not that failure is impossible or improbable, but rather that the system's design prevents or mitigates unsafe consequences of the system's failure. That is, if and when a "fail-safe" system "fails", it is "safe" or at least no less safe than when it was operating correctly.

Earlier we discussed the dead or dying foods you find in your supermarkets. The foods you see and consume from markets have traveled in from great distances and for longer periods of time. The nutrients contained in these vegetables has been decreasing since they were picked... in fact once picked the plant is now dying, so the longer they take in transit the less quality of nutrients you gain.

  • To get fresher foods you really have but a few options such as growing your own, picking them as you consume them, or purchasing them from local farm stands and co-ops. Local foods are simply fresher than store bought and Fruits and vegetables begin to lose nutrients as soon as they are picked. Store bought are picked prior to their peak so they will last longer in transport, which means the nutrients may not even be fully developed... the taste surely isn't farm stand produce destined for local markets, is picked at its prime ripeness, meaning your food will not only be healthier but also taste better.

In fact a lot of our current environmental and health issues are due to modern agriculture, but if we engage with our local and natural sources of food, we will not only help out our local producers, but help our own health. Let's face it modern foods are laden with sugars, salt and unhealthy fats, or GMO's all of which have been linked to a variety of diseases. Food is a medicine and not just for our body, but for our soul as well. Eating the local, indigenous foods of your area reconnects you with local culture and more vibrant health.

  • Following the flow of the seasons helps to avoid eating the same things all year round, which is not ideal for your health. Food grown locally, contain more nutrients that we specifically need at that point of the year.

  • How about contaminates, the less distance your food has to travel, changing hands, containers, exhausts of transport vehicles, etc... the less of a chance of contamination by any number of possible sources.

  • Local grown foods are environmentally better as less energy is used and or emitted in it's transport. Bt more than that they are a part of the eco-system of that area and we all know that being in tune with your immediate environment is the best route for optimal health as well as being a part of the processes you are in the middle of.

  • It helps to purchase foods grown and raised in your area to maintain the farmlands, production of foods and even livestock andtheir products in your area.

  • Variety is the spice of life... well when you belong to a co-op or only eat local foods, you will be presented with foods you have not yet tried, or even seen in your grocers. Not only is it fun, but it is sounder for your digestive tract. If as example, you eat the same foods all the time, your digestive tract does not need to work at breaking them down as much... your body also builds a tolerance. But shocking the system now and again in variety and amount helps to maintain a more well balanced and capable system (a really good idea, if you travel).

  • You help the local farmers, who in turn service local restaurants as well... bringing a community of better health and nutrition to you and your area. It helps also cement a more stable and self sustaining economy in that area. Building your local community and economy instead of handing over the earnings to a corporation (Amazon now owns Whole Foods). As the the food itself moves through fewer hands, you will not only save money, but more of that money will help those raising and growing those foods to help you.

Get to know them

There is nothing be local foods create community while at the farmers market you also start meeting and chatting with them, generally getting to know your farmer, cheese purveyor, fishmonger, butcher, the workers at your local co-op, etc., which creates an even greater sense of community.


Now we all know society is unraveling at an ever increasing pace. We need to become more and more self sufficient and develop networks for sustenance... what better than local food providers. As example I live in a small harbor-side community that has local fisherman and shops... working with them and coming to know them helps to set up worse case scenarios like barter. If they know you as a long time customer (or friend) they will be more apt to help you when the just in time food services we now depend on, no longer function.

What to barter...


Well we all know the Silver and Gold plan, as well as the new cryptocurrencies, but have you considered seeds?

Yes a collection of heirloom seeds for you to grow as well as a stash to barter. The farmer may take your precious metals to help pay for growing supplies or even pay debts owed, fewer will be able to take cryptos at least right away... but more seeds, that is the perfect barter tool as it is a win/win situation. The farmer takes your seeds to grow and in turn feeds you and so many others. This may just be the best route after a severe economic shock until everything regains it's normal operational patterns.

Give it a try, it will be hard to go back to the supermarkets.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: Me, cfmatl, From-Barter-To-Coins


Nice post, it is very important the self-cultivation. I have posts in which I show my father's ecological orchard. Much healthier eat this food that the purchased in supermarket.

Yes self cultivation is becoming more and more popular, people are finally waking up.

I love going to the market like you, unfortunately it is quite expensive but from time to time you can afford it. The quality is so much better the products are delicious. I just love it. If I had the means I would go every week

I Belong to a co-op, so you pay one fee and there is a weekly pick up, it seems to save money over wholefoods and even some other markets.

This is a good post and shows the advantages of green made foods which is healthier and taste better, Thanks.

The post is more about community and preparing than just good taste and health... but yes there is nothing better in the stores.

By the way these do not last as long as vegetables from the stores... even after shipping, that tells me all I need to know.

Good point, and thanks for making the point. I am in support of all these sustainability concepts...keep up the good posts

Fantastic @kyusho thank you for sharing

My thanks to you as well.

i love my market vegetables

They are far better, just not as long lasting... which shows they are a more real food.

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