Breathe (as if your life depended on it)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health8 years ago

Image Credit: Anti Gravity

I would like to share a very rare Tibetan breathing exercise with all of you, one that is linked to many other cultures, yet never taught.

As the old cultures die in lieu of "Modernization" we loose so much... but if you go to less "Modernized"countries and cultures, you may still find the old ways (wisdom).

But first let's take a look at the incredible benefits of correct and deep breathing:

  • It will lower your heart rate and blood pressure as it increases blood oxygen levels. This promotes clearer thought processes as it relieves stress. There will be increases in your metabolism, improved circulation and detoxification of your complete body.
  • Many respiratory difficulties diminish like asthma, and bronchitis as it conditions and strengthens the diaphragm. This increase activity in the diaphragm also serves to massage the internal organs and bowels. This can increase digestion as well as relieve constipation... . especially for those who sit for prolonged periods.
  • It relaxes the muscles which enacts many other healthy physiological functions like circulation as the relaxed muscles release pressure on the blood vessels. This increases circulation as well as inhibiting inflammation and clogging of the arteries. Even the lymphatic system works at a higher level removing pathogens from your body as well.
  • The more relaxed the muscles are the more fluid the body's motion and flexibility also become.. you feel younger. The Immune System gets a boost too as the body increasingly shed toxins and increases fluid and oxygen transfers (and lets not forget ridding of carbon dioxide).
  • And endorphin's are released, (these are natural painkillers, that create euphoric feelings and deeper sleep. It will also deepen your meditative state and affects... so this is great right?

Quick note: always breath in and out through the nose to filter and moisten incoming air and relax the sinuses more on exhale. Try this quick experiment, inhale deeply through the nose and exhale deeply through the mouth. Pay attention to the feel of your head and especially the sinuses. Then inhale deeply again, but this time keep the mouth closed and exhale deeply out of the nose. You will feel the extra relaxation of head and especially sinuses.

Now most people teach deep breathing with the lower abdomen, making it distend as the fill the lungs... and this is far better with all the above benefits, than shallow chest breathing (which reverses all of the above). However this tends to strengthen the lower abdominal and frontal diaphragmatic muscles more and is not the balanced function that is optimal.

It is far better to breath down to the perineum which is below the pelvic diaphragm and between the anus and genitals on both men and women. Did you catch that "Pelvic Diaphragm".. hmmm. Anyway this breathing yield even deeper breath, more internal massage and even nerve massage.

Many know the exercise for strengthening this area, it's called "Kegals". As we inhale you relax the perineum feeling the breath sink all the way to it. As you exhale pull up on the perennial area.

Now I realize this is more difficult than the abdomen, but once you get the hang of it you will realize that more of the body is affected. You will gain even more of the above mentioned benefits and even a huge one not yet mentioned.

Kegals exercise the pelvic floor, this is a great exercise to strengthen against incontinence that could affect you as you age. It will increase muscle tone and circulation in the area as well for prolonged and enhanced sexual activity as well.

This is crucial for Yoga and Qigong (Chi Gong) practitioners of all styles and methods. We will cover that in upcoming articles... but start gaining the benefits now. Once you see all of this tie in, it will blow your mind.

Good Health - Evan Pantazi


Yes! This full body breathing is so beneficial. And, just from reading about it here in your post I'm now practicing more deeply breathing. In yoga we call that pelvic diaphragm area the Mula bandha and its engagement is encouraged in most all postures. Excellent post.

I have written a series on Yoga energetics that will be posted here sometime after I finish the breathing series. Thank you for your support @steemed-open

Excellent! I will eagerly await. :)

Thank you for reading it... it has been a 40 year journey around the world that brought this information to me. I leave for Switzerland today where I will be teaching Health and this method (as well as more). When I return I will begin posting the progression...

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