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RE: Vaccines Are The Single Most Effective Medical Treatment Ever Invented

in #health8 years ago

I understand what you mean. This is why i made a side note on the post. Thing is most vaccines for most illnesses are perfectly safe. The claims of the anti-vaccine movement is mostly bullshit like "oh no there is murcury". It's all about %. Basic science knowledge would solve this problem. Also. I find it hard to believe that there is a global conspiracy from all universities to hide the truth about vaccines. It would impossible.

Most people that are anti-vaxxers are just propegating what they have heard left and right. They hate anything the goverment comes up with. It is almost like a jerk reaction


Yes I sympathise. Also mercury is no longer used in most vaccines.

It's given every single year. It's on the CDC page last time I checked that it's still given in every seasonal flu vaccine. You two should be smarter and better researchers than this.

You two should be smarter and better researchers than this.

Really? When you start making these kind of statements it means you have lost any semblance of a reasoned argument.

Perhaps you should reread what I posted. Most vaccines don't contain mercury.

Using even your example of influenza vaccination shows your statement to be inaccurate. There are multiple flu vaccines licensed in the US and less than half (4 out of 9) contain thimerosal:


This information is easily accessible but most people who are on the extremes of any argument generally don't bother with any research. It seems to apply to most things.

theres been a helluva initiatve to remove mercury from everything.

OR MAYBE...the cold, truth is:

The government is trying to kill us all. Because they don't need us or anything like that. It's probably a Dr. Strangelove situation, the gov is gonna kill us all so they can live in a bunker underground before the nukes reign (they know when and where it is going to happen). And they'll be takin' our wimmins! OUR WIMMINS.

Lol @radioactivities thanks for injecting some humour. Pun intended.

bring me the evidence for your claim. meanwhile here is my evidence

"Findings of this meta-analysis suggest that vaccinations are not associated with the development of autism or autism spectrum disorder. Furthermore, the components of the vaccines (thimerosal or mercury) or multiple vaccines (MMR) are not associated with the development of autism or autism spectrum disorder."

A good meta-analysis of badly designed studies will still result in bad statistics.

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