RE: What's Your Routine When You Get Sick?
I've found in a lot of situations most ailments I face are either addressed by using trigger point therapy (skeletal-muscular ailments) or acupressure (organ/disease ailments) prior to making my way to the doctor. As traditional Chinese medicine approaches the body as an interconnected system, usually something getting out of whack can manifest in unexpected ways. I'll usually do a quick search for "TCM ~insert condition~” and find some easy points I can press throughout the day as I research further. It's free, easy, and feels good once you find the right point. Additionally the descriptors used for conditions are relatable and usually make sense when put together to summarize conditions and the underlying causes. Whatever gets you there I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you for your response! I have friends who swear by these methods as well. It's tricky to know what really works, especially in an environment driven by pharmaceutical and insurance company profits. I wish more research went into whole-body wellness instead of just treating symptoms.