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RE: Healing My Thyroid Part 3: Food to Avoid

in #health6 years ago

Wow, that is completely different from the list I would have given you. I've never heard of a thyroid virus, so must go check that out too!
Looking at those foods from another angle, though, most of them should be avoided for other reasons:

  • Eggs are a fairly common allergen
  • A lot of people can't tolerate diary, mainly because of the casein. If the problem is lactose, fermented dairy is usually ok. The dairy fat has lots of good nutrients though, so it's a shame when even that can't be tolerated.
  • I don't believe many people can tolerate gluten
  • Canola oil is bad news too, but Gary has already covered that.
  • As well as pesticides and herbicides, most corn is also GMO
  • Soy actually is on my list
  • There have been some (small) studies done that show that pork might suppress the immune system, though cured pork seems to be ok. I don't personally believe it's anything to do with the fat though. I do absolutely fine on lard, but don't feel well on pork meat. Which is a shame, cos my sister, @andysantics48 has loads of it!

My list of foods to minimise or avoid would be mainly goitrogens. Supplemental iodine can balance some of them out a bit, but not all.
• soy
• millet
• cruciferous vegetables (eg. arugula, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, daikon, swede/rutabaga, turnips, watercress)
Cyanogenic glycosides:
• cassava
• lima beans
• flax seeds
• almonds
• fruits and fruit seeds of the Rosacea family (apricot, peach, plum, almond, strawberry, apple, pear)

And any processed foods are bad for us generally.


Thanks for that list of foods to avoid. ALL of this is new to me and I've talked to numerous others who had never heard of Anthony William's list of foods to avoid either. He is not typical but advocates natural methods so I'm giving it a try. I'm very curious to see if my changes will lower my TSH levels. I'm not sticking to it 100% (who could?!) so we'll see, I guess! I do think each body is different so what might work well for one might not be right for all.

I'm not a great advocate of sticking to restrictive diets 100%. But some people are so ill and so reactive that they have to be 100%, at least for a while, till some healing takes place. And when you have to be 100%, then you just have to. But it's quite difficult. You're probably not one of those though. Fingers crossed that what you're doing is enough.

@kiwideb, what a great contribution!

Although we disagree about eggs (I commented on that somewhere on this page), you've gone to quite an effort here to share your natural health knowledge. And for that, I'm going to upvote your comment and resteem this post. Congrats Peggy, a nice windfall.

Question. Are you saying we should avoid foods on your 3 lists? I'm surprised that those healthy greens are no-nos. I'd love it if you would comment further. What's the rationale you have in mind here?


We don't disagree about eggs, I just wasn't clear on my comment. If you can tolerate them, eggs are a good food. But some people don't tolerate even the best free range, pasture fed eggs, so must avoid them (at least for a while). Eggs are surprisingly high on the list of common allergens.

Where we possibly disagree is that greens are healthy. Personally, I think kale is for cows and not for humans, because a lot of us can't digest it.

As for the list in general, IF you don't have a thyroid issue and IF you have plenty of iodine in your diet, no reason to avoid them. Except soy. Unless it's fermented, it's bad news. But small amounts of natto, tempeh, miso and tamari are ok.

Maybe I should do a post explaining in more detail.

Thanks for the upvote.

Yes please, Deb. That post -- if you do write it, you'd be most welcome to come back here and link to it. Same goes for anything you write about soy and greens, even the very trendy kale.

Long live EGGS... as per your comments... which I've upvoted.


PS: I see this is on Peggy's blog. Oops! What cheek I had in inviting you... like it was my blog. But I still upvoted you, so that bit's good.

My blog, for when you do write those posts, is at @garyharvey and I hope to see you there again. Thanks, Deb.

I will let both you and Peggy know when it's written. Don't hold your breath though. I have a very busy week with a choir performance coming up Friday. But will make it my next priority.

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