Airplane Goo......

in #health7 years ago

The inevitable happened......

I've been home 10 days now. Just enough time for the airplane goo to incubate. Stuffy nose. Stuffy head. Chills. Headache. Weak. Blah! I have wonderful memories of my trip to the desert, but the airplane ride left me with this bit of yuck! Darling fiance woke me up this morning to go to a local pancake house/maple syrup shack. It was lovely and nostalgic. Very rustic. Delish pancakes and syrup that is made right there. All I wanted to do is eat and go home to bed. Happy Sunday! 

I Miss Writing

I usually write something everyday, and i really want to share the pics of our trip this morning. We actually found Uncle Sam's birthplace! Tried knocking on the door. Thought we would at least be offered a cup of coffee. No dice! So, I came home and here I sit in bed. All day. Staring at my blank screen. Just thought I would type a few words for today, so I can say I got a daily blog in!

Be back tomorrow with pics and stories about today's adventure.....Uncle Sam actually has a pretty interesting story!

Night all!

Blessings, Kimmy


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