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RE: Healing My Thyroid Part 3: Food to Avoid

in #health6 years ago

Thanks, Peggy. OMG bacon and eggs no more. Well, I don't eat bacon very often, but can't see giving up eggs. Actually, everything on the 'don't eat' list are favorites of mine - except for canola oil. I guess I'll just hope my genes are good enough to combat the effects of those foods. But you've made me think about getting my thyroid checked - just to be sure.


Kate, I like most of them too so it's really hard. And I do think this list includes food that may or may not work for everyone for various reasons. This showed up in my routine annual blood work.

Eggs are good. Especially eggs from chooks that have never seen a factory farm. Yep, they're expensive. My personal compromise is "free range" eggs. Here in Australia, the labelling laws allow that term to be used quite liberally but it's better than caged hen eggs. When we were house sitting in the country last time, we bought some ultra local free range eggs that, by the look of them, came from truly free range hens. They had a richer orange yolk.


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