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RE: Ten Female Masturbation Methods You Might Not Know About (Written By A Woman)

in #health6 years ago

would it be presumptuous of one so newly settled in your realm to
suggest an eleventh method? as I moved through your post I kept
feeling a delicious dread that number four or number seven on your list would be the method I mean and that perhaps you might have visited me in the tide pool and that I'd forgotten you. for "human being" was not my first choice to manifest when I landed here. the animal that seemed to have the most fun--and that's what I came to earth for--is the nudibranch. for many seasons I lived as one. in a tide pool frequented by snorkelers. what they soon discovered and I delighted in is that there's nothing more delicious to the human touch than something tongue-like--particularly something so willing to explore and palpate as a nudibranch. or at least me as a nudibranch. for that's what I was to them: a resilient palpating sentient living tongue as dependable as the morning tide. s'pose sex with a naughty nudibranch wouldn't really be masturbation so much as bestiality--but hey, in for a penny . . .


Ah ha Mondo you old sea slug! I expect nothing less from you. Luckily you have landed in a pond with some of the more open and curious individuals this marble has to muster :)

nudibranch doesn't exactly strike a chord--'less you've been one--but
seaslug is definitely revolting. who gets to name things? sea-tongue
comes closer to the mark. and say, if you've time check out video of
the nudibranchs who change colors. coming in colors if you will.

Haha, I googled nudibranch! I think it might take some people a lot of convincing to get down with a sea slug... but it's pretty!

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