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in #health7 years ago

No matter how bad tasting, the key is to chew the vitamins or supplements. Otherwise most pass through the body doing nothing.

If one's diet is terrible due to the inability to afford the proper nutrition, then vitamins help. The costs vegetables and fruit is enormous, especially if one is in the 1 percent of size, like me.

I do agree that many supplements are fake or do nothing.

There are some that really work but they are usually expensive. MLO - Muscle On Formula. I used to take it as an athlete because my daily diet required 7,200 to 9,000 calories. I inclined 545 lbs free bar, 500 bench calved and squatted a ton, my neck could withstand the 300 pound stack on a nautilus machine all day.

Testosterone boosters - no go.

Ruby Reds a dried fruit and sawdust combination that cleans out the colon. Oh after one week does it really work. by two one feels really spiffy.

Many of the herbs have a profound effect. I am talking about the herbs sold in bottles in cellulose capsules but the cellulose must ether be chewed or the herb turned into a tea. If you swallow it whole it enters the sewer system.

On the other hand, vitamin packages costing $1,800 a month are not worth it. Even if they give you a free week in Hawaii.

Taking these supplements after a severe injury, like breaking a neck and still playing sports helped both the paralysis to recover and heal. Recovery from building a foundation with 500 lb to ton or rocks was seemed to help with the injuries.

So again, I agree with you but there are some good products out there that are less expensive than food that do what they say. There are herbs that can be bought of the shelves that will cure or aid the cure of a number of very nasty diseases.

I once had a friend who came back from the Korean DMZ and then a quarantine illness struck after he arrived in the USA. He was 21, looked 80. His kidneys had failed. His body was swollen and I gave him some off the counter herbs in addition to what the doctors gave him which were forms of steroids. He walked out of the hospital two weeks later. Kidney functions restored. No kidding.

So, again, yes there is fraud and yes there are life saving products available as well.


Hey @jeff-kubitz... I agree there are some supplements out there that do as they claim.., but very few... The two places I mentioned above "Dragon Herbs" and "Longevity Warehouse" have some amazing supplements but are not the "run of the mill" vitamin or supplement you find at the local drug store. As for your colon -- just get a colonic if you need to clean yourself out -- they're great. Cheers Buddy and thanks for such a concise comment!

A colonic never really worked for me and there is no refrigeration in most big trucks which is who RubyReds were designed for. Trucks mess up your guts from all the sitting and bouncing. Fruit is good and it often rots in the a truck especially in the summer

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