What I’m Doing About Hashimoto’s (Hypothyroidism)

in #health7 years ago

Clarification, I am not a doctor. Nope, I just know my body and have been dealing with thyroid issues for many years.

I’ve been seeing a naturopathic doctor since I’ve been back in Colorado because I can tell my thyroid is acting up. It’s swollen and feels out of balance.

I got some tests back this week that said that I have high Hashimoto’s antibodies but that my TSH and T4 look great. My T3 is low though. I’m not going to go into explaining these too much but they are 3 thyroid hormones. I’m in a range that I don’t have to see an endocrinologist yet or take hormone therapy. Because I caught it early I can work with trying to fight the root cause of it, which from my extensive research and talks with my doctor is based off an autoimmune issue stemming from gut permeability, better known as “leaky gut.” (I've read others articles about that it's not leaky gut but I'm referencing what both my doctor and the bulk of my own research has told me.)

I did gluten and dairy free for a year but didn’t really have noticeable results other than that my thyroid didn’t get worse. But I want to be cured. I want to feel strong and vital. So I’m willing to try really hard and put in some dedication. Which means I’ve started on this pretty radical diet called Autoimmune Paleo.

This book has been our guide for the past 10 days while we’ve begun to strictly eat this new way. I always thought I ate healthy before but I’ll have to say that this diet feels freaking AWESOME! I mean it’s tough at first to say no to donuts at work or pizza at a party, or even beer and alcohol anywhere, but I feel so good that it seems worth it. In fact I just plain like this way of eating. Here is a list of foods the book suggests avoiding:

(The ones with dots I avoid already due to sensitivities to them) And a list of foods to eat:

Seems really restrictive, I know, but this isn’t that bad when you get a few meals down quick. And then the desserts are delectable too!

Supplements/Herbs/and all that

Everyone is different so I can’t say what will work for you. As of now I’m talking a LOT of things to cure my gut and help supplement nutrients my out of wack body isn’t absorbing adequately. Ultimately I shouldn’t need all of these but for now I’m powering up.

This is a list of my daily tincture and vitamins and all routine:

Geez I know right?!
Here’s some of what I’m taking:

(Candida tincture and Candida tablets/ Rhodiola, Selenium, Essential Fatty Acid, and Probiotics)

My leaky gut at least from my own understanding is caused by Candida. I got surgery for a kidney issue a few years back and ever since all those antibiotics I’ve been wrecked. And because of the loss of my natural biome, Candida took over and made itself at home, bullying everyone else. So curing my candida issue, allowing the gut to heal, which helps me absorb the right nutrients, and stops the autoimmune triggers means that my thyroid should heal right up.

I’m over 10 days in. Feeling really good so far!

I know a lot of people have autoimmune issues and I feel pretty confident that you don’t need to settle for it.


Congrats on taking charge of a perplexing disease! And seeking out a naturopath.

The autoimmune paleo diet is a great place to start.

Have you heard of the Thyroid Pharmacist, Isabella Wentz? She has 2 great hashimoto books out - sharing information from what she learned recovering from her disease. I highly recommend them.

Especially if you haven't noticed much change eliminating gluten and dairy -- you are bound to find the root of the problem with her books. She also has a blog.

It's possible your doctor knows of her.

Keep up the good work. I've found that as you bounce back and learn your body cues, a restrictive diet doesn't have to be forever.

Good luck!

I think I do know about Isabella! I have yet to read her books but my Dr does have it on the shelf in her office so maybe I should huh! (:
I really love to hear that the restrictive diet isn't forever. There are things like chocolate and a glass of red wine that would really be nice once and a while (;
I do cheat a little and drink raw goats milk from a local dairy because I haven't noticed any ill effects. Thanks for the encouragement ( :

This is top-notch!

My mum has simillar issues, but she's in her 60s now and I think too much damage has been done for a complete recovery. Unfortunately she so wants to believe that she can completely undo all the damage that she's desperately jumping from one diet to another when things aren't happening quick enough and she's now just skin and bone. Her mental health is rapidly going downhill too. We're all worried, but if we try and say anything she just bites our heads off.

Sorry, going off at a tangent there! It's good to hear this is working for you. Both my mum and sister have thyroid issues, so I am starting to be more mindful of what I'm eating, although I don't think I have the same issues.

I growing number of people that I know are having issues with autoimmune conditions especially ones around their thyroids. I'm really into trying to take care of it naturally but if my thyroid results had come back in worse shape I surely would have started taking the hormones. Sticking to one diet is difficult. I too have tried a lot. But this one seems to be just right kinda like goldielocks and the three bears. But you have to be really diligent and strict on yourself to do it right. My aunt had to have her thyroid removed and has to have the synthetic hormones forever. I'm really trying to avoid that. But also even with a diet like this you have to eat enough calories. If your mom isn't eating enough calories it won't help her body to heal or to have enough energy to function. 60 should be young enough to heal and do things right in my eyes. My mom is trying this diet now for her rheumatoid arthritis and she's 60. But of course I'm no doctor. Just a fellow human trying to heal naturally. Good luck to you. Make sure you get your thyroid levels checked from time to time if if runs in the family. Better to catch it early!

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