This Punk made Clinty the Police Dog’s Day ?

in #health8 years ago (edited)


The Police Dog handler sternly warned the two youthful burglars caught on our closed business premises.

“Now stay there and don’t move”.

On hearing that command, the Alsatian growled at them menacingly, with lips curled, fangs bared, daring the youths in his best Clint Eastwood style

“Go ahead punks - make my day.”

We suffered a few break ins, probably because we were in a big old rambling building where there were many places to force entry.

In our favour though, was an excellent movement detector alarm system linked to the police station, about 100 yards behind our property.

A few intruders over the years were startled by what must have seemed like nano seconds from the alarm sounding and dashing out into the arms of the waiting police.

Best definition of a nano second – the time from when the traffic light turns green, and the car behind blasts it’s horn.

Why the police arrested our Chef

The wife and I retired twice, letting the restaurant and shop business to tenants for a rental income, but we returned on both occasions to take up the reins again.

The second time involved the Official Receiver in bankruptcy. We were anxious that the business should not remain closed, because whilst building custom takes time and hard work, poor management and closure can see it rapidly disappear.

So I was pressing the Official Receiver daily to allow us to get the premises re-opened.

Most of our original cooks and serving staff had gone to other jobs, so in a rush I enquired at the jobs agency. My luck was in. A recently retired army chef was available.

Hurry scurry, every day closed was precious. I just checked bare details. Yes, he was qualified and he could start like - NOW.

So I engaged chef Graham, who then said he had nowhere to live because his wife wouldn’t have him back.

Under the shop was a cellar store room and old office with all services connected. I said he could stay there until fixed up. Took a risk with an unknown having the run of the property when closed, but the plus side was he would work getting the kitchen ready for opening.

We re-opened, announcing - under new/old management, and as it was our second return from retirement, a joke about more comebacks than Frank Sinatra.

Thankfully, business soon started to pick up, but after a few days, during a busy lunch time, two policemen entered and said they wanted to interview and possibly arrest our new chef.

Holy smoley ! You can’t do that. But they did. Marching him through the restaurant in his whites.

Exposed by the Telly!

Turns out he had deserted the army. He might have stayed free longer, but after a few nights in our cellar he found lodgings. There were other guests in the bed and breakfast, and one day the landlady reported to the police that a television was missing.

The police interviewed the residents, and were told that there was also a Graham, who they could find working at our place. In questioning Graham in our restaurant kitchen about the television, it came out that he was an army deserter.

Graham sent us a letter from a well-known jail in Manchester, thanking us for helping him, explaining that the problem in his marriage caused him to desert the army, and stressing that he had nothing to do with the stolen, f.. expletive deleted, television, that led to his downfall.

Sign of the times. Customer letter to supplier.

When am I going to get the coat I ordered a month ago? The winter is over. You need to buckup. Customer expectations have become accustomed to Amazon next day delivery standards; Amazon are striving to do even better. They now seem to know what I want before I do!
Yours truly.

Also in the paper -

Kind face theory dashed?

I seem to get picked on by strangers wanting directions. My friends say it’s because I’ve got a kind face, but an incident in a cycle race disproves that.

I was a member of Hereford Wheelers Cycling Club for many years, touring and racing sections. I was not much good at racing, and what I describe next was the last straw.

10-mile individual time trials took place on summer evenings. Riders set off at minute intervals, and the aim is to complete the 5 mile out and back course in the fastest time.

As well as racing the clock, you are also trying to catch the minute man ahead, and not be caught by the minute man behind. I was never able to get under the half hour like the fastest riders, or ever catch the minute man ahead, but frequently got passed by the one behind.

The evening race that convinced me I should stick to touring saw me all kitted up in sleek wind cheating racing jersey, streamlined crash helmet, racing number on my back. Looked as good as Bradley Wiggins - off the bike.

I’d gone about a mile when a car overtook and pulled up sharply in front, forcing me to brake hard or go into the back of it. Chap got out and said ‘Can you tell me if this is the right road to ………..’


Passing me from behind he could not have seen a kind face, and he certainly didn’t after, the stupid &#%-hole!

And to Sign off.

I have an age related slight hearing impairment, so with television I use subtitles. Some of the computer generated typos are unintentionally funny.

EU referendum – ‘I am reporting from a brothel in Brussels’

Cookery show – ‘Try to avoid peeing in the oven as it can spoil the appearance.’

Church service – ‘There will now be a moment’s violence’

Dog Figurine. My Photo file
Prison Chef BBC America
Cyclist Google Advanced.
Electricity Sub Stn. Google Free Blank Template.


I enjoyed your funny multi-part post! Thanks for kicking the weekend off for me with a smile on my face. :-)

Thank you kenny-crane. Yes, I was pleased with the way the post turned out,especially as I was scratching around wondering what shall I write about ? It's not had a bad response either I suppose.I'm gradually finding how the voting works,although am a bit anxious about Steemit's future.It has great potential I think,but do I detect some sourness creeping in at the top ?

Yes, you got a very nice response! Lots of votes and a decent reward. But in the end, its more about putting your thoughts into words and sharing it with the world, at least that's my approach. There is always sourness on any social network, and I think there's actually less here than might be expected, considering money is involved. This place is like a newfangled gadget and people are still trying to comprehend how it works. That's part of the fun, in my mind! Steem on!

Thank you kenny-crane
I like your positive outlook.I'm a glass half full man as well.I will continue with Steemit because I like the concept,although I think precedent would indicate the odds are against it surviving.
There was a very good Steemit post which I wish I'd saved.It said that earlier social media sites that tried to reward contributors financially in a similar way, failed because of difficulties finding a formula for rewarding content providers equitably.
From one standpoint it's understandable.If I've read it right the founders of Steemit, and early joiners, have greater voting power because they were aboard early and in some instances actually bought steem dollars.
So it's natural that they want a greater share of the rewards pool, and if I understand it correctly,can manipulate the voting to achieve it?.
Facebook and similar social media platform originators, are criticised because they keep for themselves the huge sums of money generated by content freely provided by their subscribers. There just aint any justice.

True, I have heard that 9 of 10 new businesses fail within 5 years. Might be higher for online enterprises. But we're here now, so let's live in the present and hope for the future!

Regarding justice and all you may read about the rewards pool, I say, be happy there IS ANY reward pool! I know it is human nature to react when others are receiving more of a benefit, especially if one judges it to be due to unfair actions. But in my mind, the proper way to frame steemit payouts is to compare it to NOTHING you might receive on just about any other platform.

You could post to your own website blog and put all kinds of ads on the page, but those ads are paying less than they used to, so that ship has sailed in my opinion. So most people post to Facebook and the like, and seem happy for some recognition n the form of likes and comments containing pats on the back. We get some of that here too, but we do actually get SOME Steem which can be converted to Bitcoin and then to the fiat currency of our choice.

Personally I don't compare whatever I get in curation rewards (I don't post much anymore) against what anyone else is getting. I'm just here to chat with fine folks like yourself and get a little Steem in the process. I'm very happy here and I do read about the rewards drama to understand people's thoughts and feelings but then I move on, with a smile on my face! :-)

Hey kenny-crane
Thank you.If my tone on Steemit is coming over as disappointed,I assure you I'm not.I'm with your 'expect the best' outlook,and if it doesn't happen there isn't a loss in the sense of invested money.I do my best thinking whilst walking,and going for my paper this morning I was planning a topic for this weeks post, so not thinking of quitting.

I am interested in the voting debate though, so my apologies for referring to it again if you are not.I like this post by denmarkguy.Very sensible and touches on your enjoy the moment attitude,as do some of the very good comments.You may have seen the post,the link is below.Sorry about the length of the link.Is there a better way to share posts ? You may follow denmarkguy already.

Hi kenny-crane. Thank you.I do like your positive attitude and serene approach to life.I think I'm like minded ,but perhaps a bit more competitive, in that I see the voting as a measure and a spur to do better,which of course by all accounts cannot be relied on now. But writing does gives my week some purpose,so I find that very beneficial. Sorry for the late reply.I'm still baffled a bit by replies and comments. Cheers. Ivor.

There are only so many levels of replies allowed here, so I'll reply to my comment as my reply to yours. Thanks so much for that link! The link is fine with me. Some use Markdown to turn a word of two into a link, but dropping in the actual URL is fine too; steemit will turn it into a clickable link.

I did see that post earlier but had not read it yet. I think it is a constructive look at the issue. This is not the first flag war in here, they have come and gone before. Human emotions factor into any social setting and money amplifies things.

In my "day job" I develop apps for private social networks, so I am on many social sites every day. This kind of thing goes on all over. People are tribal and are drawn to form small groups that gain power and solidarity from having other groups to argue with.

There IS a way to not engage in this. We all learned very early on YouTube and other social sites to Not Feed The Trolls. On YouTube we Block and Ignore. This is not to say that people shouldn't engage passionately! But at some point, when you decide that the engagement is causing harm to yourself, others, or the entire platform, then one good strategy is just to step away and break the cycle of interaction.

I can't tell you how many times I want to reply to posts here, taking sides and explaining why what I think is right. But most of the time I stay silent. There is no point with arguing over the internet in most cases. Because of polarization, you have to pick a side and then you have made instant enemies with the other side.

But the truth, in many many cases, is that each side has some validity and some culpability. There isn't much Black and White in this world, just shades of Grey. So it is with flagging. It was designed in to this site and it has a purpose very well stated in the White Paper. But it's nearly impossible to not view a flag as some sort of dis or affront and emotions take over. Once it becomes the norm to receive the occasional flag, it will be seen as the culture of this place, and if communicated clearly that this will happen and why it will happen on occasion to your post, then the passion will die down, I think.

@stellabelle expresses it very well. She was upset at her first flag; ruined her weekend! Now she considers it a Right Of Passage on Steemit and just says to herself "meh" and moves on with her life without much concern. Maybe this is what will eventually be the majority's experience here.

We'll see how it all works out. One can get a Sociology degree from the School of Hard Knocks just by participating in a social network. Think of it as a valuable education. Pay the price of admission and learn some valuable lessons. Take them with you to other sites and situations in the Real World" -- live and learn!

Always nice chatting with you and I look forward to seeing you here long into the future!

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